Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Day 2 Yea Ride

 Today we had an earlyish start to the day with everyone ready at about 8.00am for the ride. The weather was cold ... about 7 degrees and fog!

The day began for me with the car driving to Molesworth to meet the rest of the riders who made their way along the rail trail 

The trip for me included a coffee and coffee scroll.... very good!

After meeting the riders it was on to Alexandra along the rail trail... a great ride with an excellent surface and great views especially at the top of the ride overlooking Alexandra

Morning tea was in the Alexandra bakery which was ok .... just! Coffee was cold but the lamington was excellent!

After this it was off along roads back to Molesworth which was a good ride along well sealed roads and no traffic 

Lunch at the car park was good with rolls from the Yea Provendor bakery which were pre- ordered by us all

After lunch it back along the rail trail to Yea.... quite outstanding travel with an interesting outlook well away from the main roads and an interesting tunnel at the top of the ride.Cheviot tunnel is about 200 metres long and is quite a feat of engineering as it is made from hand made bricks!

The ride back home from the tunnel was exhilarating as it was a steady descent in to Yea. 

Arriving back we were met by Des who had earlier had an accident in the tunnel avoiding oncoming walkers and had hit the side of the tunnel... his hand was damaged quite badly so Ray and I took him to the hospital to get treatment.. in the end he required stitching and a real clean up but he says he should be ok to ride tomorrow?

Dinner tonight was again at the Country Club Hotel where most of us had the cheaper “seniors meal” which was quite enough for us even after a day of riding 

I am writing this at 9.30 am and am able to reflect on a good day of riding on a coolish day with 14 enjoying the wonderful scenery in the Yea region 

Before dinner we were able to have a Zoom with Ric who was unable to join the ride due to ill health and share our experiences with him.... good to see his smiling face!

Looking forward to the riding again tomorrow.....

Fixing Anthony’s flat tyre.... plea of advice!
A view at the top of the ride before heading on to Alexandra

Cheviot tunnel entrance

Some of the rail cutting along the trail... mostly hand dug!

A gentler view of the trail ... good surface!

Des’s injured hand after the visit to the hospital 

The story of the Cheviot tunnel.....

Lunch at Molesworth including a kick of the football 

A happy group of riders at the start of the ride

Alexandra station and the end of the trail

Yours truly at the entrance to the tunnel!

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Day 1 - April. 12 Yea

Ray at the briefing after the wetlands tour 

Home for the next few days at the Yea motel... very comfortable !
A view of the Yea River on the wetlands tour
The front of the Yea Motel with a nice garden
Cooper’s picture for PA for the trip....  space ship with PA getting ready to board... bit like my bike really!
More from the wetlands tour 
Briefing again!!!!

Today’s Adventures:
 After an early morning coffee in Melbourne it was time to pack the car ready for the trip from Melbourne to Yea....

I was attaching the bike rack to the new Ute and alas the bolt on the tow bar had a pin connector in a different position to my old Ute.... so it was off to Rob Baker for a few “running repairs”. Then home gain for the rest of the packing for the trip.... 

After saying goodbye to Robyn and 5 of the grandchildren it was off to pick up Rob Baker for the trip up to Yea. I was given a picture by my grandson Cooper to take on the trip. You will see the picture below in the photo collection 

The trip up to Yea was uneventful and Rob and I chatted about all manner of things including the great win by the Dees against the Cats yesterday.... great to have 4 wins for the year so far!

We arrived at the Yea motel at about 1.15 pm where the weather was quite good with some warmth from the sun...far cry from the cold weather yesterday in Melbourne 

After picking up a few items for breakfast we were off for a tour of the wetlands on the Yea river which was most informative. The incredible work the local volunteers have done to restore the wasteland in to this wetland area is quite extraordinary. We all leaned a lot!

After the tour it was time to assess the gear ready for the riding over the next few days and to have a chat amongst us all.

It was good to catch up with Des and Anthony who had traveled by train and bike to Yea yesterday and today!

Dinner tonight is at the local pub  

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Upcoming Yea Ride

 Tomorrow we begin another adventure with a”hub and spoke” series of rides out of the Victorian country town of Yea about 150 kms north of Melbourne 

The ride has been organised by one of the Wheeliebinners Ray Taylor which should provide good riding over undulating country. The weather is looking to be coolish with some rain predicted later in the week

We have 14 of us joining the ride with a late withdrawal by Phil Eager due to travel restrictions as a result of Covid and Ric Hallgren due to ill health 

I look forward to bringing you reports and photos of the rides each day.... stay tuned

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Covid Blog 60

This will be my last blog in the Covid series 
I am hoping that with the further relaxation of the lockdown rules that this marks the end of the severity of the Covid period in our lives. 
For my part it has been a productive period in some respects but very frustrating in other ways
From a riding perspective I have managed to ride on 41 days over the 61 day period of the blog and have covered 2113 kms which is roughly equivalent to the ride I did a few years ago fro Lands End to John O’Groats...
I am feeling somewhat fitter than at the start of this despite not being able to go to the gym. I have not weighed myself but feel I might have lost a bit... I will weigh myself on the scales at the gym when it opens.... hopefully soon!
On the other fronts the achievements have been 
  1. Have painted about half of the ground floor windows and gutters. The rest of the ground floor will be done as the weather picks up and the first floor will be done by a painting contractor as I cannot risk climbing ladders
  2. I have organised the lease of number 2 at Rye 
  3. I have kept the gardening up at all properties and have planted the winter vegetables at Rye and have helped with the Kenmare st veggie garden
  4. Have managed to stay in contact with the family over the period even though there were restrictions in place
  5. We have seemed to manage the Covid situation at Alkira with good leadership from the CEO and the Chair of the Risk committee... well done!
The whole experience has been interesting and the world has been turned in a different direction in many respects. Social distancing and hygiene are now part of the way we do things. The threat of further virus pandemics will be part of the risk readiness profile for Australia and I hope the rest of the world. We will be thinking very hard about the reliance on imported manufacturing in the future for essential items such as health products and hopefully this might be the springboard for the resurgence in local manufacturing.
From a political viewpoint we have seen the state and federal governments working well together putting aside political differences for the good of the country... the politics of division do not work anymore... hopefully this more than a lot of other things is the new norm.. the politics of division are seen in the US with tragic results... over 100,000 people have lost their lives!!!
Thanks to all of those who have shared my journey over the past 61 days and hope you enjoyed one mans experiences over this period 
Catch you on the next blog which will be a bike riding adventure.... I hope !!!!

Now some photos....

Yesterday’s ride to get my 1000 kms for the month... pleased with the results!

Today’s ride with the Wheeliebinners organised by Rob Baker 

.... a selfie 

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Covid Blog 59

Today I woke at about 6.30 am and watched the sun rising from the kitchen... truly delightful with a wonderful start to the day
After breakfast it was off on the “pensioners loop” for the second day in a row The sun was good and warming even though there was a bit of frost around 
I made really good time on the ride as there was no wind and  I got into a good rhythm particularly on the way home to Rye and Blairgowrie for the standard coffee on the beach!
Arriving back at the house I had a Zoom conference call with a few folks from Alkira regarding managing risks associated with Covid... we are doing well wth all of this as the whole country seems to emerge into some sort of post Covid life!!!
After the call I had a sandwich lunch and did the tidy up in the house and it was off back to Melbourne... good trip home
After the unpack I went to the bike shop to get a new back tyre which seems to have a lot of cuts courtesy of about 12000 kms of riding and was the cause of the recent puncture 
The boys at the bike shop managed to sort this out and I received a free bike clean .... great to receive it!!!
I have been thinking over recent days when I should stop the Covid blog and have settled on doing this tomorrow when I will have done 60 days of blogging or about 2 months 
Seems that life is starting to return to some sort of normal life
Now for a photo of today’s ride 

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Covid Blog 58

After a good night of sleep I was awake at about 7.30am
After breakfast I was on the bike for a ride to Safety Beach and Martha Cove 
The weather was quite warm despite the time of the year 
I made very good time on what is called the “Pensioners Loop”... I was pleased to be an average of over 25 km per hour 
Arriving back in Blairgowrie I had a coffee and a chat with one of the locals about the joys of living down at the beach in retirement.
Arriving home I did a bit of emailing then had some lunch
After lunch I decided it was time to tidy up the garden which was done in reasonably good weather 
After a shower I had a lovely walk to the beach to look at the sunset and make a few calls to the family 
Sam, my son in law has his birthday today so a call as the sun was setting...
Dinner tonight was a bbq if steak and sausages ...
A good day all around 
It seems that we are now getting back to some sort of normal as the traffic is rather heavy even here at Rye 
The Covid statistics seem to be pleasing with rugby league returning to the field tonight with us crowd
The news service now seems to be less dominated by Covid reports 
Now for the photos 

Coffee on the beach after the ride

A walk on the beach as the sun was setting 

... and the sunset!!!!

Today’s ride 

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Covid Blog 57

Today I had business meetings for most of the day and then made my way down to Rye
Very uneventful day
Weather was ok but cold
No photos today 
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Covid Blog 56

I am writing this blog on the following day...afraid I missed doing it yesterday as I was a a board meeting which finished at about 10.00 pm
Yesterday started with a real “pee souped” with fog and frost... we are now getting in to winter!!
At about 10.00am the fog cleared to a lovely sunny day with no wind... delightful for the ride which started at about 1.00pm
I met Ray and Abdy and we did a delightful 3 hour ride in to South Melbourne, the City then around the Capital City and Anniversary trail ... the day cooled off a bit at about 4.00 pm but luckily I had a jacket to keep the cold out 
Arriving home it was great to see Cooper and Robyn after the kindergarten pick up as I had an early dinner ahead of the Alkira Board meeting 
Over the past 4 months we have been holding the meetings via Zoom which although gets the job done is less than satisfactory as I prefer to see all board members in person rather than on a screen... call me old fashioned!
As I said earlier the meeting was a late one as we had a guest speaker from the disability sector giving us an overview on the current issues facing the sector with Covid and the NDIS ... all very good for us all
Now for the photos....

Nice photo of the city from the Yarra River where we had coffee 

The boys after coffee 

Today’s ride 

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Covid Blog 55

Today was a real family day with visiting by most of the immediate family at various times
First it was Cooper and Mikayla who were delivered to us for the day by my daughter in law Jenita at about 7.30 am
After breakfast for us all it was off to the bakery in Hamilton Street to get some goodies for the visitors expected for thy e day which included some lovely finger buns with sprinkles... yum!!!!
Later in the morning Jodie and her children arrived for morning tea and a chat.... later Nick and the girls arrived to drop off the Ute and have a running repair on Alice’s bike...
I must point out that we were careful to ensure we observed the coronavirus protocols during the visits 
After lunch Cooper and Mikayla helped with raking up the leaves in the backyard... they enjoyed playing more than raking but we got the job done. After this I went to collect some firewood and with help from the grandchildren we unloaded the wood to the woodpile... another job done
Then I took the grandchildren around the block on scooters with a visit to the local primary school to have the kids go up and down a small hill to their great enjoyment 
After this it home for early kids dinner with Christopher and then wave goodbye after a great day
There was no riding today as it was busier with regular visits 
There are no photos as well!!!
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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Covid Blog 54

I am writing this blog on the day after rather than in the evening of the 24th May.... seems I was tired and fell asleep and had the “ can’t be bothereds”
Anyway yesterday stayed out a bit cloudy but cool but luckily there was no frost
We had a group of 9 riders for the ride of the day bring led by Abdy... after doing a bit of bike trail riding we changed to the boulevard for a bit of hard work through to Richmond then on to the Yarra trail to the city and then to Port Melbourne... the wind along the Esplanade was quite strong and we managed through to North road where we stopped for coffee.... not planned by Abdy but great all the same... at coffee looked around for Ellio but he was nowhere to be seen... we tracked him down at the Black Rock Clock a few kms further down Beach Road!!! Seems he missed the call to stop at Beach Rd...
After coffee and a chat we made our way back along Orrong road home... all in all a good ride for us all
After lunch it was an easy afternoon watching tv as the weather was drizzling and quite cold... we watched a Netflix series called The Stranger which was interesting 
During the afternoon we received advice that the Victorian government was planning on relaxing further conditions to allow amongst other things the opening of the ski season... we are getting closer to the end of this I hope!
We had Christopher and Jenita and their children over for dinner to end the day
There were no photos for the day other than the screen shot of the ride 

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Covid Blog 53

Today started with very cold and drizzling weather... yuck!
After consulting with the radar I decided that it was ok to do the normal short Saturday ride and sent a note to the boys that we should go ahead!
After some breakfast it was off to the Purvis corner to meet Phil and Abdy.... great to see Phil out on the ride!
After making our way up the dreaded Elgar Road hill we met Ellio at Doncaster Shopping Centre for the rest of the ride... although there was a fair bit of drizzle we made our way along the route to Mitcham where we made a slight detour along the rail trail rather than Whitehorse Road. This detour was taken as the traffic along Whitehorse Road seems  to have increased and I am concerned about safety... we did have a slight incident along Doncaster Road with a slightly aggressive motorist who tooted at us!!
Must be the effects of coming out from the lockdown!!!
At Laburnum we stopped for coffees at a lovely cafe where we had a great chat. I was fortunate to see a former school fried who was a member of the 1969 5th rowing crew with me.. his name is Garry Grace and I have not seen him since I left school over 50 years ago!!!
After exchanging contact details we agreed to catch up again when the rules are relaxed about dining together 
The ride home was good as the sun started to poke through the clouds...
After lunch I traveled into the city to have a haircut... the barber I use is very good and is able to search my very barren skull to make something of what little I have!!
The trip home was very slow with heavy traffic on the roads!
When I arrived home it was great to see Nick and 2 of his girls who arrived to pick up the Ute to pick up some furniture 
The rest of the afternoon was spent sorting out the woodpile and lighting the fire ... a very uneventful afternoon really as the weather closed in with drizzle continuing 
The day was quite unproductive for me but restful after the ride
Now for the photos 

Today’s ride 

Me with Garry Grace at coffee at Laburnum
Great to catch up with him after 50 years!

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Covid Blog 52

Today started out with rain at Rye which ceased after breakfast thankfully 
The plan was to meet my friend Gary for a ride but with the rain and wet roads Gary was a late withdrawal. I decided that since I was ready with wet weather gear on that I should see how far I could go on the ride
As it turned out the weather although cool was ok with no rain. The ride was a shorter 40 oddsmakers ride along the Nepean Highway to Safety Beach and back. I was able to do it in quick time which enables coffee at Blairgowrie near home!
After arriving at the house I had a Zoom call with the folks at Alkira which is a weekly call regarding progress on the Covid virus risk management processes. I am pleased that we have seemed to have done well in the difficult circumstances which is a great credit to both the Alkira leadership team and to the Board Risk Committee 
After the Zoom meeting and lunch it was on to cleaning the house and packing a few things for the trip back to Melbourne 
Before I left I had an opportunity to meet with the father of the new tenant we have organised for the house next door. He was very nice and advised his son is looking forward to moving in to the house... should be a good fit for us hopefully 
The trip home was quite uneventful but the traffic on the roads was quite heavy. Bit strange to see signs about staying at home with so many people traveling on the roads!!
At home I unpacked and lit the fire ahead of dinner 
Today was another good day 
Now for a couple of photos 

Safety Beach at the halfway point of the ride

Another shot at the halfway point looking towards Mount Martha 

Today’s ride 

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Covid Blog 51

Overnight there was a lot of rain as I was woken with rain hitting the roof!
I was finally ready to get up for the day at about 7.30Am although the weather was cold and overcast. I decided to chance a ride as the weather had a bit of a break and I thought I might get a few kms done before there was a rain shower.... yes it was okay and the sun actually started to shine!
After about 25 kms I had a flat tyre..... bugger!
Fortunately after a bit of mucking around with the new bike pump I was able replace the tube and get on my way... gosh it was cold on the side of the road and the trucks and cars were traveling close to the side of the road where I was fixing the tube...
The rest of the ride was uneventful but I was thankful for the coffee in Blairgowrie at the end of the ride and enjoy it on the beach!
Arriving home I had a bite of lunch and made a trip to the bike shop to get a couple of new tubes 
At home I did a bit of emailing and observed the new tenant in number 2 inspecting the house after picking up the keys from the agent.... seems they will be moving in over the next few days 
At the end of the day a went for a walk along the beach as the sun was setting.... a great end to the day
Now for the photos 

A view of the region where I rode today 

A nice photo of the sun over Port Phillip Bay

Today’s ride 

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Covid Blog 50

Here we are on the 50th blog!!!!
Over the past few days I have been thinking when I will stop the blog and have resolved that it will be when the children start at school which seems to be the last of the major lockdown items that are relaxed.... it should be noted that a return to life we knew it before Covid will take considerably longer .... some even say we may never see a return to life as we knew it!!
Anyway today started with rain which prevented a ride in the  morning. I used the morning to catch up on paperwork ahead of a few meetings at Alkira 
I finished the meetings at about 12.30 and after lunch I made my way down to Rye for a couple of days. The traffic was was good and I made good time to be here at about 3.30 pm
As the weather was looking to turn I decided to defer riding until tomorrow and shop for a few things for dinner and have  a walk to the beach to watch the sunset 
It was a good choice as the sunset was terrific even though the weather was cold
One of the great feelings is that of the cold wind on your face during the walk then the afterglow when arriving home to the warmth of the gas fire
So although the day was not a riding day it was nevertheless a good one
Now for the photos 

Sunset towards Sorrento 

The view towards Arthur’s Seat

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Covid Blog 49

Today was an overcast and quite cool day
I started with a coffee at Hamilton’s coffee shop in Mont Albert.... good coffee but I missed the coffee at Zimt which was closed unfortunately 
After coffee and breakfast I had to wait for the plumber to come to replace the hot water service... whilst waiting I sprayed the driveway with Roundup to poison the weeds that seem to love growing in the mortar cracks!!!
After nearly completing the job Scott the plumber arrived to install the “HWS” . After about an hour the job was done and we had hot water again..... yeehhh!!!
After a bite of lunch I went on a ride around the city on what seems to be a regular run of about 50 kms. The pedestrian traffic on the bike paths seemed down probably due to the cold and overcast weather... it made for good riding 
I returned home at about 4.00 pm where Robyn was home and the fire was alight.... good to have a bit of warmth!!!
After a warm shower I made a visit to Bunnings to get a few provisions for the watering system!!!
Lucky that the Bunnings was not busy and the shopping was short and sharp as I like it!
You might be interested to know that I have just clocked over 4000 kms since January the 1st!!! Something I set as a goal to be done before June
Now for the photos 

Hot water service installed!!!

A shot of the footbridge over the Yarra!!!
Very few people 

A view of the Southbank area with the Polly Woodside ship in the foreground and some of the highrise apartments in the background 

Today’s ride 

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Covid blog 48

Today was a day of rest from bike riding after a big week of riding last week where I did over 300 kms....
I was up a little late and after breakfast we waited for Cooper and Mikayla to arrive for the day. They arrived at about 9.00am and we decided to tidy up Nannas vegetable garden which required a bit of digging and spread of fertiliser. The job was done after about an hour....
Cooper and I then made a trip to Bunnings to pick up some vegetables seedlings to plant in the garden
We arrived back in time for lunch then Nanna and Cooper planted the seedlings in nice neat rows in the garden.... well done everyone a great result 
After this it was on to the final cleanup of the backyard which was done with mowing, blower and a bit of sweeping!
All good in time for afternoon tea!
As I had a shower it was noticeable that the hot water was not working properly so after inspecting the hot water service and a discussion with a plumber the unit was in terminal failure!!!
Yuck cold showers for the time being!
Luckily the plumber was able to fit in a refit of the unit tomorrow!!!!
After this I was scheduled to go to Nick and Catherine’s house to look after the kids while they had a business meeting... all good for the baby sitting with me reading a story toAlice and the others watching TV
Today was a different day but enjoyable with many achievements 
Now for a few photos 

Hot water service.... terminal!!!

Another view.... still not good!!

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Covid Blog 47

Today’s blog will cover 2 days of achievement rather than one day 
The reason for this is that we have been without internet for the past 4 days which is very frustrating. As I said in an earlier blog the internet cables were cut by a worker on a building site near Box Hill causing major problems in a wide expanse in the south eastern suburbs 
The problem is now fixed but the communication by Telstra and Foxtel has been abysmal... for communication companies it seems that the consumer is the last person to be kept informed as to what is going on. You need to rely on the informal Facebook network or the news networks to get information... shocking performance!!!
Anyway both days I started early with rides with the Wheeliebinners. On Saturday it was in to the city then Port Melbourne and beach road to the Blackrock clock. Coffee was at the North Road Cafe which was delightful... good to enjoy the sun and a chat with the boys. The remainder of the ride was fairly direct back home via Bluff Road , East Boundary Road and the Anniversary trail 
On Sunday we did a ride in to Richmond then along the Boulevard and Yarra Trail to Westerfolds Park. Jeff then took us along a rough track out of the park then up a road with a 22 pc grade through Templestow then to Bulleen and the Koonung Trail to the Engine Shed for coffee and a chat in the sun
Both days were very frosty and cold to start off with and my fingers were aching from the cold for the first hour of the ride... after thawing out the rest of the rides were in great weather with plenty of sun but virtually no wind
Arriving home both days were then on to painting and garden tidy up in good sunny weather. The afternoons did cool down at about 4.00pm both days....
Today being the 17 th May was my son Nicks birthday do we joined him and his family for a lovely family dinner. This is the first time we have been able to do this with his family since the Covid virus lockdown was implemented. Only in the last few days has there been some relaxing of the rules!!!
Both days were great in both what I achieved and a real opportunity to enjoy some lovely weather 
Now for the photos of the past 2 days....

Coffee at North Road Cafe with the Boys
Picture taken by a delightful lady with an interesting turn of phrase!!!

Saturday’s ride

Coffee at the Engine Shed with the boys...

Sunday’s ride

Nicks birthday dinner with his family above.... great to see them finally!!!

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Covid Blog 46

Today was the coldest start to the day of the year with temperatures around 4 degrees and frost!
As a result I decided not to ride in the morning and leave it to the afternoon... a good choice as it turned out 
As a result I did a few chores around the house, paid a few bills, sorted out the printer and made a trip to see the progress on the new building project on the corner of Springfield and Springvale roads 
At midday I had a zoom call to get an update on the progress being made on the Covid lockdown at Alkira. All good there as the focus now is on how the organisation reverts to opening day service activities... we suspect that this will not simply be a reverse back to that which operated prior to Covid... the new norm needs a lot of work 
After a bite of lunch I went on a ride... the weather was sunny but cool and I enjoyed the bike paths for most of the ride. I am finding that using bike paths in the late afternoon more problematic as families emerge from home schooling 
The ride ended at about 3.30pm .... good timing!
After cleaning the bike I lit the fire and reflected on a good day of achievement 
I am sorry that the blog will be delayed in being posted.... seems that a clown in a building site in Box Hill mistakenly dug up the NBN and Telstra cable’s cutting off all internet communication in the vicinity... seems it will take a few days  to fix. We cannot go to a cafe or library to use alternate means as these are closed with the lockdown 

Now for the photos 

Alkira’s new premises is taking shape... steel work almost complete 

Today’s ride

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Covid Blog 45

Today was a cooler day to start off with. As I said in my blog yesterday I was meeting a friend, Gary at about 9.30 am at the end of the street at Rye for a ride. We agreed we should do the ride called “ the pensioners loop” which is about 50 kms along Point Nepean road to Moats Corner then back through Martha Cove to Point Nepean rd to Blairgowrie. It was slower ride out as the light wind was against us but... on the way home it was quite delightful sitting on speeds of about 30 kph
Gary left at the Blairgowrie shops where I had a coffee.... to be frank I was craving for it!!
Arriving back at the house after the ride I loaded some firewood in the back of the Ute and did a “ pack up and tidy up” before heading back to Melbourne 
The traffic on the road home was decidedly busier after the relaxation of the lockdown arrangements.... strange as there is still very much a stay at home policy issued by the government!
I think most people think that the low case count on new virus outbreaks is message to begin life as normal.... I hope this assumption is not misplaced.
Arriving home I unpacked the car and with some help from the grandchildren unloaded the firewood to the wood stack.
With brooms out for the tidy up it was easy to enlist their help in raking up leaves in the driveway. This was a good excuse to have a bit of fun playing....
After a brief bike ride around the block the grandchildren were now ready for dinner and a bath ahead of being picked up by Chris 
The day was fulfilling in many respects but the weather is now turning more wintery and the air is much heavier at the end of the day
Now for a couple of photos 

My helpers unloading the firewood 

Raking up the leaves.... I think!

Today’s ride 

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Covid Blog 44

Today started for me at about 3.00 with the beautiful sound of rain hitting the roof of the house! Such a wonderful sound which has been missed over recent years with the drought!
The sound made the sleep through to about 8.00am when I woke to a sunny day although it was very cool.
After breakfast I went to the Blairgowrie shops and had a coffee by the beach which was quite wonderful.
After a visit to Bunnings where I purchased a few items for the day it was off to work in the garden first up with mowing of the lawns and a general clean-up of both houses at Rye. After a bite of lunch then attended to a few phone calls related to Alkira then it was time to sort out the veggie garden with planting the winter crops!!!
After this it was on to the final cleanup of number 2 which is being rented out. I was able to confirm with the agent that the tenant was likely to move in next week.
Finally finishing the chores left me with a good feeling of achievement for the day. 
I packed up the garden equipment and sorted out the bangers and mash for dinner 
During this time I had a brief Houseparty call with Catherine and her children and Jodie Sam and their children... good to catch up on the day there was some relaxation of the lockdown arrangements.... it did not make a significant difference to me but I think the car traffic was a little busier 
Today was not a day for bike riding and although it was busy in a funny sort of way I missed it with good weather 
Looking forward to a ride with Gary tomorrow...
Now for a few photos....

Lovely picture of the beach at Rye at coffee time

... and another one!

The winter veggies for planting

 .... all planted ... hopefully the possums don’t eat them!!

Back yard at number 4 now tidy 

Number 2 house family room and kitchen now tidy, clean and stove installed!

.... the yard now tidied up 

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