Covid Blog 49

Today was an overcast and quite cool day
I started with a coffee at Hamilton’s coffee shop in Mont Albert.... good coffee but I missed the coffee at Zimt which was closed unfortunately 
After coffee and breakfast I had to wait for the plumber to come to replace the hot water service... whilst waiting I sprayed the driveway with Roundup to poison the weeds that seem to love growing in the mortar cracks!!!
After nearly completing the job Scott the plumber arrived to install the “HWS” . After about an hour the job was done and we had hot water again..... yeehhh!!!
After a bite of lunch I went on a ride around the city on what seems to be a regular run of about 50 kms. The pedestrian traffic on the bike paths seemed down probably due to the cold and overcast weather... it made for good riding 
I returned home at about 4.00 pm where Robyn was home and the fire was alight.... good to have a bit of warmth!!!
After a warm shower I made a visit to Bunnings to get a few provisions for the watering system!!!
Lucky that the Bunnings was not busy and the shopping was short and sharp as I like it!
You might be interested to know that I have just clocked over 4000 kms since January the 1st!!! Something I set as a goal to be done before June
Now for the photos 

Hot water service installed!!!

A shot of the footbridge over the Yarra!!!
Very few people 

A view of the Southbank area with the Polly Woodside ship in the foreground and some of the highrise apartments in the background 

Today’s ride 


Covid Blog 50


Covid blog 48