Covid Blog 58

After a good night of sleep I was awake at about 7.30am
After breakfast I was on the bike for a ride to Safety Beach and Martha Cove 
The weather was quite warm despite the time of the year 
I made very good time on what is called the “Pensioners Loop”... I was pleased to be an average of over 25 km per hour 
Arriving back in Blairgowrie I had a coffee and a chat with one of the locals about the joys of living down at the beach in retirement.
Arriving home I did a bit of emailing then had some lunch
After lunch I decided it was time to tidy up the garden which was done in reasonably good weather 
After a shower I had a lovely walk to the beach to look at the sunset and make a few calls to the family 
Sam, my son in law has his birthday today so a call as the sun was setting...
Dinner tonight was a bbq if steak and sausages ...
A good day all around 
It seems that we are now getting back to some sort of normal as the traffic is rather heavy even here at Rye 
The Covid statistics seem to be pleasing with rugby league returning to the field tonight with us crowd
The news service now seems to be less dominated by Covid reports 
Now for the photos 

Coffee on the beach after the ride

A walk on the beach as the sun was setting 

... and the sunset!!!!

Today’s ride 


Covid Blog 59


Covid Blog 57