Covid Blog 56

I am writing this blog on the following day...afraid I missed doing it yesterday as I was a a board meeting which finished at about 10.00 pm
Yesterday started with a real “pee souped” with fog and frost... we are now getting in to winter!!
At about 10.00am the fog cleared to a lovely sunny day with no wind... delightful for the ride which started at about 1.00pm
I met Ray and Abdy and we did a delightful 3 hour ride in to South Melbourne, the City then around the Capital City and Anniversary trail ... the day cooled off a bit at about 4.00 pm but luckily I had a jacket to keep the cold out 
Arriving home it was great to see Cooper and Robyn after the kindergarten pick up as I had an early dinner ahead of the Alkira Board meeting 
Over the past 4 months we have been holding the meetings via Zoom which although gets the job done is less than satisfactory as I prefer to see all board members in person rather than on a screen... call me old fashioned!
As I said earlier the meeting was a late one as we had a guest speaker from the disability sector giving us an overview on the current issues facing the sector with Covid and the NDIS ... all very good for us all
Now for the photos....

Nice photo of the city from the Yarra River where we had coffee 

The boys after coffee 

Today’s ride 


Covid Blog 57


Covid Blog 55