Covid Blog 50

Here we are on the 50th blog!!!!
Over the past few days I have been thinking when I will stop the blog and have resolved that it will be when the children start at school which seems to be the last of the major lockdown items that are relaxed.... it should be noted that a return to life we knew it before Covid will take considerably longer .... some even say we may never see a return to life as we knew it!!
Anyway today started with rain which prevented a ride in the  morning. I used the morning to catch up on paperwork ahead of a few meetings at Alkira 
I finished the meetings at about 12.30 and after lunch I made my way down to Rye for a couple of days. The traffic was was good and I made good time to be here at about 3.30 pm
As the weather was looking to turn I decided to defer riding until tomorrow and shop for a few things for dinner and have  a walk to the beach to watch the sunset 
It was a good choice as the sunset was terrific even though the weather was cold
One of the great feelings is that of the cold wind on your face during the walk then the afterglow when arriving home to the warmth of the gas fire
So although the day was not a riding day it was nevertheless a good one
Now for the photos 

Sunset towards Sorrento 

The view towards Arthur’s Seat


Covid Blog 51


Covid Blog 49