Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Day 16-Maruia Saddle Ride 42 kms

We woke to a gorgeous day with no clouds and clear skies and as the day unfolded it was one of the best days weather wise we have had.
After breakfast we packed the bikes on the trailer and were on our way to the start of the ride along the main road to Murchison.
W had to drop Chris off along the way as he had meetings in at Spring Junction and we proceeded further down the road to the drop off point.
The ride today was along a 4WD track which had a climb of about 200 metres to the top of the saddle.
Today and probably for the rest of the ride I will be using Chris’s spare bike with wider tyres which are better suited to trail and 4WD track riding.
It seemed to work for me and after a short while of getting used to the gears and the bike pedals and cleats!
I gradually gained more confidence as the ride progressed and the weather certainly helped my demeanour.
The ride after the initial climb was through a picturesque valley with some short climbing on the ups and downs of the hills.
The last part of the ride into Murchison was on sealed road which made for really good riding 
We arrived at Murchison at about 1.30 pm and after strapping our bikes in the trailer we had lunch at the Rivers Cafe. For me it was mince on toast with a coffee followed by a strawberry milkshake.
On the ride today we saw many TA riders making their way south to Reefton as their next stop. We also saw a husband and wife riding north on the TA where they are riding from Bluff to Nelson. Interesting to chat to them at the top of the saddle!
After lunch it was back in the van and on the road again back to the Bach to meet Chris who rode back after his meeting.
After having a welcome shower it was perfect to sit down and reflect on the day with a cup of tea and chocolate chip biscuit. These were home made by Chris as were the cheese puffs we had for breakfast this morning!
It was a great day and most enjoyable for us all.

At the start of the ride!

Getting ready at the start of the ride 

Chris’s sign at the top of the climb

All the Aussies at the top of the climb 

Interesting view of the trail crossing a river with a lovely bridge 

A view of the trail 

An interesting gorge along the valley 

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Day 15- Rest Day - Drive to Nelson

Today there was a reluctance by us all to get on the bikes for a long ride so Chris gave us an option to drive to Nelson and back for those interested.
I, together with Rob, Steve, Ian and Chris decided to do the van ride whilst Phil and John thought it best to stay at the Bach for the day.
So off we went in the van with reasonable weather with temperatures around high teens. The first stop was Murchison where we went to a delightful coffee shop which had some delicious raspberry and chocolate muffins!
After stopping there it was on to Nelson along the main highway. At this time we saw several TA riders making their way south…. The number on the road is now increasing as the main wave of riders progress along the South Island.
At Nelson we stopped in the Main Street to look for a cafe and the choices were not there. That together with the big morning tea led us to think we might get something better down the road.
Traveling through Nelson I was struck by the lovely homes and general ambience of the town. Something to come back to sometime!
We stopped for lunch at a cafe in Motueka. The cafe food was good. I had a toasted sandwich.
Then rather than drive back along the same route, we took a detour along the TA route out of the Nelson area  which once again we were able to see riders making their way south.
Interestingly we met a Canadian couple riding in a northerly direction who we previously met on the Wilderness trail. Funny how things turn out!
We arrived back at the Bach at about 6.00 pm after doing about 470 kms of driving 
For dinner we had a entree of fried white bait then bangers and mash with salad and mushrooms then a dessert of rhubarb and strawberries with cream…. All very yummy!
Late this evening a few of us traveled to Spring Junction to make a few calls back to families as the mobile reception is rather poor at the Bach.
Today has been an interesting day with more of the South Island seen
Looking forward to going on a ride tomorrow!

Waterfall created by earthquake movement!

Another view of the waterfall 

Main Street of Nelson 

The boys preparing dinner… Stephen ( left) John ( centre) and Rob ( right)

Me doing Ellio’s secret salad recipe!!!

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Day 14- Rest Day at the Bach

After a recovery sleep last night where for the first half of the night I was aching in the legs and buttocks from my falls, the anti-inflammatories kicked in and I was able to sleep through to around 7.00 am. Good to have a sleep in after a succession of starts at 5.30 am or 6.00am.
The decision made last evening after our ride was to have a day of rest with a late start, trip to Reefton to do the washing and to have a lazy afternoon of rest!
So after a great breakfast we made for Reefton at about 
10.00am leaving Chris behind to do a few chores and to think about the bike riding for the days ahead on the trip.
Reef is about 45 kms from the Bach and based on the number of times we have traveled there we are almost becoming’locals’. At Reefton we had coffee and morning tea followed by a later lunch as John worked his magic with the laundry washing and drying!
We were able to catch up on emails and the like with limited connectivity.
Again we saw a steady steam of TA cyclists coming through the town for lunch mainly. All looked pleased after completing the morning ride over the pass near Chris’s Bach.
After completing laundry and shopping for the days ahead we made our way back to our new home for a restful afternoon with many having an afternoon nap!
After the shocking ride yesterday, Chris has offered to have me use his spare mountain bike and I took it for a test ride which seemed to go well. The 8 km ride along the road to the Bach was ideal to do the test ride. I transferred the various bits and pieces to the reserve bike.( eg lights, Garmin, drink bottle holder etc)
Hopefully this bike will make a difference when we get on the tougher roads in the days ahead.
We had a terrific 3 course meal this evening with Rob cooking whitebait ( entree) and risotto (main course) and Chris providing apple tart with yogurt and muesli topping. All very satisfying after our rest day
After dinner Chris took us through his GoPro movies he has made on the trip which provided some fond memories of our past ventures… the only issue for me was watching the Big River movies where I had a terrible day yesterday…. It will give me some nightmares tonight I am sure!
Anyway all of this makes for great memories of a wonderful time in NZ with a great bunch of blokes.
Today being a rest day there are no photos.

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Day 12- Hokitika to Ross then relocate to the “Bach” 35 kms

Today was another early start with me having breakfast at the bakery rather than in the hotel room 
It was coffee and muesli with fruit.
We were off at 7.10 a little late due to Ellio being unable to locate the key to the room where our bikes were stored overnight.
The ride to Ross was fairly flat and we made good time to get to Ross by about 10.15 am. The country along the route was coastal with some low countryside farms with dairy farms.
There were a few river crossings along the way which had interesting bridges.
After the ride we boarded the van to travel to the “Bach” with a stop at Hokitika for a hot cross bun Ann’s coffee, and at Greymouth where we needed to do some food shopping.
After picking up supplies it was on to the “Bach” . The route to this was on good roads and is about 60 kms. Arriving we were greeted by a wonderful sight of the accomodation for the next few nights. Chris showed us around the various engineering feats he has achieved including a hydro power system which supplements the solar system and a water supply system which comes from the local creek.
After a shower we had a bbq dinner of lamb and venison and white bait patties with all ingredients supplied by a local farmer (Miguel who is an immigrant from Spain)
We were also joined by a couple of Chris’s friends for dinner. One, Ray is a teacher and has done rides with Chris and Geoff who has kindly offered to drive Ellio back to Christchurch.
As it was Ellio’s last we duly celebrated his time with us.
To be frank, I was looking forward to a night of sleep.

A bridge crossing 

Another bridge crossing 

…..and again another bridge 

At the end of the Wilderness Trail ….another ride completed.

A welcome sight for lunch at Reefton

Chris’s pizza oven…we are trying to build one of these at our holiday house at Rye

A view of the “Bach” which is set in lovely surroundings 

Chris shows off his water system 

…. And the hydro power system 

Dinner of venison and lamb patties with the salad supplied by me and Ellio

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Day 13 - Big River Wailtuta 27 kms

After a good night of sleep we woke to a morning of mist which cleared as the day went on. After van early breakfast of scrambled eggs cans bacon on toast we were off to the Reefton ahead of starting the ride.
Along the way we saw a few of the TA riders who were making their way from north to south of New Zealand a distance of about 3000 kms!
At Reefton we had coffees and bought our lunch which we were to have along the way on our ride.
After coffees it was time after a short drive to start the Big River ride.
Well to say it was tough would be a dramatic understatement. The first 500 metres were on loose cobblestones and I was having real trouble maintaining balance. Rob had a fall over the edge of the track and shortly afterwards I had the first of my 4 falls for the day,
From then on the ride gradually worsened for me as I really struggled with the gravel tyres on my bike so much so that for most of the ride I walked…I recorded about 14,000 steps for the day!
Although the climbing was not much ( 770 metres) the trail was most difficult . It was 4WD road initially then a hiking track which was very narrow and at times and with deep ruts and at times challenging drops and areas where the track had subsided.
At one stage on the ride the track was in a creek which meat we had to carry our bikes. 
For me my confidence in riding the track was shot four after falls I had which although we’re not severe, played on my mind. This meant I was a at the back of the group in the ride being supported by Phil, John and Chris as I made my way on foot!
As the ride went on, the weather started to turn and the rain set in for the afternoon. This made the track more difficult with slippery surfaces on the Rick’s and tree roots.
To be frank I was glad to reach the end of the track where we met up with Rob and Phil who were the advance party to meet the van on the road.
Unfortunately the lack of phone reception meant the van was at a different location which John and Chris went on to locate, leaving Phil, Rob and I to wait in a toilet block to shelter from the rain.
Finally we all met and attached the bikes to the trailer and made our way home to the Bach via Reefton.
Being cold and wet, we all agreed that a friendly and welcoming warm shower was the go!
Arriving at the Bach it was into the shower and time to enjoy the warmth of the stove fire and then some well earned dinner.
Shortly after dinner it was bed, although I had a bit of “patching up” to do as I had a few cuts and scrapes from my falls!
To say the day was challenging would be a fair statement and for me the determination to finish the ride drive me to the end of the track. Also the help and support of all in the riding group was very much appreciated.
The day was a ride of 27 kms in a time of 7 hours and 37 minutes with an average speed for me of 3.64 kph.
I was glad to get to bed tonight to rest my weary legs and cuts and bruises…
Tomorrow thankfully we have agreed it will be a rest day!!!!

At Reefton for coffee and to meet some of the riders on the TA

The start of the Big River ride!

Some of the 4WD track early on in the ride

The views were good when I had a chance to get my eyes up from looking where I was going!

Here we went in to one of the gold mine tunnels along the track… there were lots of these!

Another view of a section of the track!

….a selfie of me at the end of the ride… tired and wet!

Phil and Rob waiting for the van to arrive in the shelter of the toilet block!

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Day 11- Kumara to Hokitika 72 kms

Once again it was a 6.30 am wake up and I felt a bit tired this morning after a late night Alkira board meeting. I zoomed in from New Zealand to the 7.00 pm meeting in Melbourne!
The morning breakfast was in the hotel room where we have cereal and canned fruit.
Lunch today was sandwiches on the road which was organised by Rob Baker with the hotel 
The start for the ride was prompt at 7.30 am and the weather was coolish and a bit humid. The was virtually no wind and the temperature started at above 12 degrees warming to about 20 during the day .
The trail today was a combination of unmade roads and walking/ riding tracks. The surface was good although there were several spots where the track had tight turns with switchbacks. At one stage I had a fall on a tight corner but was ok apart from a small graze on my knee….. another bloody fall!
We had 2 climb’s which were quite easy really as it seems we are getting into the swing of the ride.
The country was a mixture of rainforest, scrub with very little farming along the trail.
During the ride we met several people riding the trail and spent some time with a couple from Canada who are doing rides in NZ .
We also saw quite a few hikers ( in NZ they are called Trampers!) towards the end of the day which is interesting 
The day finished early at Hokitika around 2.15 which meant we could enjoy the town at bit more.
Having a coffee with Rob Baker we reflected on the wonderful countryside we are seeing and the need to explore more.

Me outside the hotel ready to leave

Typical view of the trail today with rainforest style vegetation 

Another view along the trail going across swamps 

A view of one of the rivers we crossed 

…. The rock has been transplanted!

At the top of one of the climbs 

A view down the valley towards Hokitika 

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Day 10 - Christchurch to Greymouth by Train then Ride from Greymouth to Hokitika 30 kms

Today was another early start at 6.00am to get ready for the train trip from Christchurch to Greymouth.
The train left at about 8.15 am and we had very comfortable carriages and seats for the journey.
The trip on the train was really quite special with the first part going through the Canterbury Plains with dairy country and a slight incline.
Then it was into the hills with spectacular views of rivers Ana the surrounding mountains. At the top of the train trip we stopped at Arthur’s Pass which is a Tula lovely area nestled in a valley. After boarding the train we then went through a 2 km tunnel and out the other side it was quite different country being on the west side of the mountain range. The vegetation was bright green and subtropical which is in sharp contrast to the brown low vegetation on the east side of the mountain range.
The train trip through to Greymouth was very pleasant and we met quite a few of the fellow travellers in our carriage.We arrived at Greymouth at about 1.20 pm where Phil and Ian met us having driven the van through from Christchurch.

We had lunch at lovely cafe recommended by Phil called Sevenpenny… then it was off to get changed and on to the bikes for the ride to Kumara. We are now on the Western Wilderness trail heading south from Greymouth. After a bit of a blip finding the start of the trail due to my Garmin playing up, it was on for the 30 km ride on a very nice trail with a good surface and a gentle gradient.We arrived at Kumara at around 5.30 pm and the accommodation is at the Royal Theatre Hotel which has a lovely old world charm. The hotel uses a couple of houses opposite the main hotel for accommodation which is delightful.

Dinner tonight was at the hotel and I had fish and chips which was great 
Today was another wonderful day of sightseeing and riding in NZ and it seems we all had a great day

Late picture at the end of the A2O with all of us at the Pacific Ocean!!!

Boarding the train at Christchurch 
Very comfortable train carriages 

Scene on the train journey through the window 

…. And another one!

At Arthur’s pass

Leaving Greymouth after getting off the train and changing in the car park to the surprise of the passing foot traffic!

The trail was very good!

We crossed this bridge 

All of us at Arthur’s Pass
Phil and Ian went in the van rather than on the train 

Our hotel room for the night….. very comfortable!

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Day 9 - Rest Day Christchurch

Today was a well earned rest day in Christchurch as we all needed to get a bit of rest after 7 days of riding about 500 kms.
The day started with breakfast at one of Chris’s coffee shops and a full eggs breakfast was on the menu for most of us. I had a delicious omelette with coffee which was a great start for the day.
After breakfast we went to the bike shop where a few of the bikes needed running repairs. After this it was to the shops for a few of the boys to do shopping.
Then we went on a guided tour of Christchurch which was interesting. The trip up the mountains near the town were spectacular with views of the city and harbour. We had lunch at a cafe in New Brighton then had a tour of the area that was devastated by the earthquake. The area where houses were ruined by the earthquake is huge and now only vacant land can be seen. The CBD has building blocks that are vacant next to new or renovated buildings. Makes you really appreciate the power of Mother Nature.
After the tour it was back to Chris’s place where Ellio prepared spaghetti bolognaise for dinner which was combined with ice cream and berries for dessert. A great way to finish the day!
We have another early day tomorrow do it is off to bed early in anticipation of another great day.

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Day 8 - Duntroon to Oamaru - 54 kms

I have got to start this blog with an apology as I called the end point yesterday at Cromwell when in fact it was Duntroon 
The day started with a perfect sunrise with cool conditions at around 6 degrees but during the day it warmed up nicely to be in the mid 20’s … perfect for riding 
After a short van ride from Kurow to Duntroon we were off on the ride. It was a short ride today to the end of the A2O at Oamaru then a 250 km van ride to Christchurch.
The ride had 2 designated climbs the second of which was a bit of a brute with a vertical climb of 400 meters over about 2 kms. We all managed this quite well as we seemed to be getting into the rhythm of riding longer distances with climbing.
The country for this ride moved to more of coastal rolling hills with dairy farms with big irrigation sprinklers on most paddocks.
At about 11.30 we found a small pub at Enfield which had delicious food and very pleasant outdoor seating.
After lunch we had the final 20 km ride into Oamaru which was a lovely finish to the A2O where we finally hopped of our bikes near the Pacific Ocean 
Oamaru is a lovely town with interesting wharehouses near the port which have been turned into eateries and tourist shops 
We celebrated our finish of the ride by a lovely ice cream near the waterfront 
The A2O was a great ride over a variety of places and settings and remarkable scenery 
On consumption of the ice cream it was on the the van for the 250 km ride up to Christchurch which was an ideal time for me to enjoy a shut eye!
We arrived at Chris’ s home at around 7 ish and unpacked the bikes and Ian took all but Chris and I to the hotel. I am staying at Chris’s home which is a delightful house in the suburbs of Christchurch. After having a shower we were off the meet the others at the hotel for dinner where I had a seniors roast beef which was great
Now back at Chris’s home doing the blog I can reflect upon the over 500 kms of riding we have had over the past 7 days and the wonderful countryside we have seen. Also we have all enjoyed some wonderful experiences as a group and new friendships have been made
Chris should be proud of the way the rides have worked so smoothly for us all to enjoy 

At the start of the ride outside the Duntroon Gaol

Ian in the racks outside the Gaol

The trail and typical country 

Signage along the trail was very good and there was no way you could get lost!

Me at a sign 

Lunch at the Enfield Hotel 

The ride in through the Oamaru botanical gardens 

The final street through to the end of the ride at the wharf 

Me asleep on the van ride to Christchurch!!!!

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Day 7 - Omarama to Cromwell 96.5 kms

Today we were up and about at 6.30 am with the aim to leave Omarama at 7.40 am after having breakfast and ordering lunch and having a coffee. Yes we did it even though it was a last minute rush for Ellio.
Chris was taking tail end Charlie for the day.
The track started off with a really good surface and the going was great…. Then we did the first of four climbs which were a bit challenging but the views were spectacular!
At the top of the climbs we had climbed about 450 meters and we had great views of the surrounding mountains and country 
The descent to the lake Benmore dam was really enjoyable but even better we were able to enjoy the sandwich lunch ordered earlier in day.
After this it was on made roads for about 20 kms where we enjoyed lovely downhill riding until picking up the trail again at the Aviemore dam and hydro power station. It should be noted that at every dam we saw there was hydro power station which is interesting as NZ relies almost exclusively upon this as their power source.
The trail into Kurow was again a steady downhill with great surfaces for riding.
Kurow is where we are staying this evening and Rob and Phil decided not to take the extra 28 kms to Duntroon which was our end point. We all had a great “ coffee stop” at Kurow and 5 of us then went on Duntroon. Once again it was downhill riding with 2 fairly deep river crossings which we all navigated successfully.
After reaching Duntroon we loaded the bikes on the van and made the short trip back to Kurow for the night 
Dinner tonight was rather special with Chris suggesting a bbq and Rob doing the honours as chef. The motel owner kindly supplied some salads and we had a wonderful first course. For dessert Chris made us each a plate of ice cream topped with berries which was a delightful way to finish the day
It was somewhat challenging to start with but became easier as the day went on. The weather too was kind with a cool start at around 6 degrees but warming to around 21 by the end of the ride 

Early morning across the valley 

One of the climbs on the trail….apologies for my shadow!

Lunch at Benmore Dam

A view of the valley going towards Kurow

Two blokes contemplating the world!
The are Phil and Rob

Chris and Stephen with a km to go!

The end of the trail at Duntroon!!!!
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Day 6 -Twizel to Omarama 82 kms

The day started for is at 6.30 am with the wake up alarm and it looked like being a bright sunny start with very few clouds.
After breakfast we were on our way at 8.00am with a prompt on time getaway thanks to John and Rob
The first few kms were on good roads out of Twizel some of it beside water canals used for hydro power.
Then it was on to the A2O track which goes alongside the lake which was interesting in terms of the views but did require some concentration to ensure the bike took the right path given the pebbles on the track on some places
At around 11.30 am we reached the Lake Oahu Lodge which an old world hotel alongside Lake Oahu and adjacent to the Lake Oahu ski field. No skiing at this time of the year though!
Here we had coffees and teas and toasted sandwiches which become our lunch. It was quite a restful place with beautiful views and the staff were very welcoming to a bunch of old people like us!
The fire was very restful and provided some comfort to those who might have been a little cool as the temperatures were below 10 degrees despite the sun .
After lunch it was on to the big 10 km climb for the day. This was on a track which was rocky in parts and involved a climb of about 420 meters 
During the climb we were passed by some folk in electric bikes which meant pulling obeying the trail to let them pass. Bit of a bummer really as it destroyed momentum!
Any way I reached the top where it was quite cool and we were ahead of the main group so rather than wait we went on. The ride down from the top point was more difficult in many ways than the climb as the track was rocky and narrow in places. It meant for a slow descent. I did enjoy the bottom of the descent where there was long grass and the track was very easy!
After this Phil, Rob and I pressed on the finish the ride in Omarama at about 3.50 pm . It was a great day of riding with good weather and lovely countryside.

A view across one of the canals we rode alongside 

Salmon fishing in the canal 

At the Lake Oahu lodge enjoying the hospitality and the fire!

Rob enjoying the rest…. He was keen to stay have a few reds and put the bike on the trailer to our motel 

Interesting view of the trail and note the sign!

Rob Phil and myself at the top of the climb!

A view of the country as we mage for Omarama 
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Day 5 - Mt Cook to Twizel 75 kms

The day started at about 6.30 am with the new group organised structure working as follows:
Rob Baker in charge of breakfasts 
Phil Eager in charge of the van including loading the van
Ellio Stocco in charge of loading and unloading the trailer with bikes
Peter Harrison in charge of laundry 
John Aldis in charge of weather and start times each day
Steve Seymour in charge of finances
Ian Hollebon in charge of driving the van
Chris Jones the tour leader and in charge of accomodation 
This all worked well for the day today which meant we had a great on time start for the van trip to Mt Cook
The weather was a lot better today with high cloud and sunny breaks although we had some rain showers and towards the end of the day we even had some hail.
After arriving at Mt Cook we had a short 7 km ride to the Mt Cook airport where we had helicopter transfers to the next leg of the Alps to Ocean ride. From now on I will abbreviate this to A2O …. 
The helicopter ride was about 10 minutes but gave us all a wonderful view of the mountains near Mt Cook… Mt Cook was not able to be SEN due to cloud cover unfortunately.
The first section of the trail after the helicopter transfer was quite difficult and slow due to the rough terrain with loose rocks on the trail. After this we were on a gravel road which again was slow going due to the road surface 
At one stage we had a 5 km of paved road which was a godsend!
Lunch was by the side of the road with sandwiches purchased before we left Omarama. This was timed almost perfectly to coincide with some heavy rain.
The ride in to Twizel was great with the wind behind us
Tonight we are at a backpackers hotel which is housed in renovated accommodation housing originally used by workers on the hydro power projects on the area. It is quite comfortable for us all,
The day’s highlight for me was the wonderful scenery of the mountains and torquise lakes and the significant investment NZ has made in hydro power 
The dinner this evening was a roast pork meal at the local pub which was lovely 
Another great day for me riding . I enjoyed being the nominated whip or tail end Charlie for the day and talking to those at the back of the pack 

All of us at Mt Cook at the start of the A2O ride

Sample of the early part of the trail 

Me with the mountains behind me!

Our bikes going by helicopter transfer 

The first group loads up!

More of me and the views

Couldn’t miss putting this in the blog!

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Day 4 Naseby to Omarama

Last night the rain came down all night and as I heard it I made a decision that given my injury to my leg I would take a day off on the ride… good decision as it turned out for me as the rain kept up for most of the day and especially for those completing the Central Otago trail.
We were off in the van to the start point at 7.30 am and after unpacking the bikes the guys except Ellio and myself plus Ian, the van driver, were off for the 42 km ride.
Conditions were wet and cold and after about 15 kms, we met with the riders at a stop point on the trail where some got additional wet weather gear and all pumped their tyres up as the low pressure in the tyres made riding very difficult.
After this we drove to Middlemarch where the 3 of us had a coffee and muffin ahead of the riding group and then made our way to the end of the trail to meet the sogging wet riders!!!
After a quick change in the public toilets into dry gear, we all assembled at the Kissing Gate coffee shop for coffee and muffins to allow the riders to thaw out!!
Then after packing the bikes we were off to Omarama where we are staying tonight of the Alps to Ocean ride.
To say some parts of the ride were scary would be an understatement…. We went on an unmade road through the Dansey Pass which was at best a single lane road through hills where the road had no barriers the drop over the edge was enormous!
John Aldis, one of the Kiwis drove during this time and his driving skills homed on many hours of 4WD driving were put to good use.At one stage we were slowed down to a stop by a mob of sheep being herded along the road and the van started slipping with no traction!
We all got out of the van and helped by pushing it to get moving again. Thankfully it worked and we were able to get going again after a short walk to the top of the hill.
All a bit scary as the plan B would have involved towing I guess!! 
At the top of pass at 870 metres we met a German fellow who was on a ride…. He was backpacking and riding without a helmet!
After this it was incident free travel to Omarama where we were able to check in to our motel for the night.
Dinner tonight was at the local pub which was very busy and as a consequence the meals were slow in coming to us but my meal was good
In summary the day was a good one despite not riding 
No pictures today as the link is not working 
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Day 3 - Alexandra to Kokonga

After a good night of sleep we were up and about, breakfasted and ready to go on our bikes shortly after 7.30 am for the ride.
The day was scheduled to have a ride of about 80 kms along the Central Otago rail trail. The weather started quite cool but warmed up to high 20’ s during the day then later in the afternoon as we completed the last 20 kms it turned cooler with some showers 
The first half of the trail was a steady climb of about 400 metres with smallish gradients in keeping with the needs of railway engineers specifications.
The country was very dry and the trail surface was good but dusty 
We stopped for coffee at Omakou where we had good coffee and enjoyed the delightful muffins or pastries.
There were several other groups of riders at the coffee shop and we noticed most were using electric bikes for the ride.
After coffee we continued the climb to a couple of tunnels which were dug out of very solid rock.
During this time we saw several other riders making their way in the opposite direction and I noted most we’re enjoying the downhill run whilst we continued the uphill!
Finally we had a break for lunch at Oturhua where we enjoyed sandwiches provided by Ian who got them from Subway! Good to have a lunch of ham, cheese and salad washed down by ginger beer provided by the local general store.
After resuming the ride we reached the highest point in the ride and then…. It was all downhill with the wind behind us!!!! Yea…. Speeds of over 35 kph and the kms just went !
After reaching the proposed turning point for the turnoff to Naseby we decided to continue on the Ranfurly…. Then reaching Ranfurly we decided to continue on to Kokonga railway station. By this time we had completed over 100 kms but the weather was closing in with rain and a headwind! 
After stopping we loaded the bikes on the trailer and made our way to Naseby where we were greeted with great accommodation for the night
After cleaning up we made our way to the pub for dinner where the food was excellent.
All of us commented on the great day of riding but noted we might have a bit of wet weather for the ride tomorrow 

The start of the ride !

Some indication of the conditions of the ride 

View of a river we crossed 

Here is the bridge which crossed the river 

The tunnel we went through 

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(Temporary Backup) Day 2 Dunstan Trail 70 kms

The day started at 6.30 am with us up for a shower and pack our bags ahead of taking the van to Ian’s place for breakfast at 7.30am
Breakfast was great with cereal and toast then we were on our way to start the days ride at Smiths Way at 9.45 am. The route today was along lake Dunstan which is a man made lake used to store water for the hydroelectric system . The country was very dry as is most of the central Otago region which does have a lot of wineries… when I say a lot it really is something to behold!
The trip along the lake to Cromwell was delightful with some very expensive holiday houses on the bank of the lake and some beautiful inlets with boats etc.
The properties along the lake are in excess of $1.00 million! The owners live in the bigger cities of NZ and fly to Queenstown and take the short drive to their holiday homes.
The weather started coolish but warmed up as the day went on with it being quite hot on the afternoon! The Garmin was registering temps of 32 degrees centigrade!
At Cromwell we had morning tea at the bakery with good coffee and carrot cake for me.
Then it was on to Coffee Afloat on Lake Dunstan for lunch. This is a cafe located on the lake on board 2 speed boats which are fitted out with expresso machines on one board and a grill on the other for the food which for me was a venison burger… all good EXCEPT after lunch we had a big climb of about a km and about 400 metres….silly me for having the hamburger!
The views as we progressed along the trail were stunning and the track was quite interesting in places with some parts quite narrow and some interesting bridges attached to the rock walls all very interesting engineering!
There was a second quite big climb of about 1.5 kms with several switchbacks and some interesting views again at the top…
The next stop was the Dunstan rowing club for a break to get water in the lake which was a blessing. Ian, the van driver had a swim and advised that the water was quite warm for the first few feet but cooled off as you got deeper!
After a short break we then traveled the last 15 or so kms to Alexandra where we had our accommodation at a caravan park. The cabin we had managed to fit all 8 of us comfortably and the facilities are good.
After cleaning bikes and sorting out washing we had a Mexican dinner in the town which was good.
The day was a good one for us all as discussed at the end of the day and we almost completed 70 kms 
My health situation seems okay with the change of dressing on the leg wound
Looking forward to tomorrow on the Central Otago rail trail 

Here we are at the start of the ride!
Handsome bunch all kitted up!

View of lake Dunstan and you can see some of the trails 

Lunch at Coffee Afloat!
Venison hamburger was great but not good for the climb after lunch!

Another view of the lake from the top of the climb

Hugo’s bridge along the tail

The Dan wall and hydro power station at Alexandra near the end of the ride

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Day 1 NZ Ride

Today was the first day on the trail ride in the South Island of New Zealand 
We have 5 Aussies being led by 3 Kiwis including my riding pal Chris Jones. I have done several rides with Chris over the years and he has been keen to host me in his home country!
It was an early start for the 4 of us who left from Melbourne being Rob Baker, Steve Seymour, Ellio Stocco and myself. The cab arrived at 3.30 am to take Rob and I to the airport with another cab picking up Steve and Ellio at the same time from their homes.
We arrived at the airport around 4.15 am and we’re almost the only ones there!
Ellio and Steve had a bit of a problem with space and had to come in 2 cabs…
After waiting at check in until 5.00 am we then made our way through checkin and had a well earned breakfast in the Qantas lounge 
The plane left on time at 8.00 am and the plane flight was uneventful to Queenstown 
Our arrival was terrific with Chris, Ian and John from NZ there to meet us with the special tour sign.
After the special welcome it was off to Arrowtown to Ian’s “Bach” to unpack our bike boxes and assemble the bikes which was done with the help of plenty of bike tools and equipment.
My bike unfortunately had a gear cable problem which needed help from the local bike shop back near the Queenstown airport which fortunately had a great bike shop where the repairs could be done. I then road tested the bike by riding a couple off kms to the airport where I was helping Chris welcome Phil Eager who flew in from Brisbane. Once again the sign was part of a special welcome for Phil!
We then traveled back to Arrowtown to help Phil set up his bike and load our bikes on to the trailer specially modified by Chris to transport our bikes between trails on the 3 weeks we are here in NZ.
After this it was off to dinner at a lovely restaurant and a walk in the lovely historical town.
After this it was back for a briefing at Ian’s batch and to the youth hostel/ holiday park for the night 
A great first day with warm weather which suggests the ride should be great!
Looking forward to a sleep after an early start to the day!

Bikes loaded on the trailer with Phil looking very pleased!

Loading the bikes!

The bike trailer and van at the Queenstown airport 

Ian on right and Chris with the welcome sign as we came through immigration!

Bike packed and luggage for the trip at home 
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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Day 14 - Broadford to Melbourne

Today started with a bit of fog when we woke at about 6.30 am!
After getting dressed we made our way across the road to the local cafe/service station to pick up an egg and bacon roll and fruit juice for breakfast.
We were on our way at 8.05am and the fog had cleaned….Ellio’s turn to navigate…. We started in the wrong direction but after a short time we realised the error and made amends. 
The ride to Wandong was through lovely country and the road was very good with the sun shining and birds singing….a wonderful day!
After coffee and cakes at Wandong it was again good riding to the outskirts of Melbourne but the traffic was building up. A reasonable road shoulder made it reasonably safe but for a couple of clowns yelling at us and honking.
On reaching the outer suburbs we made our way to the Darebin Creek Trail for most of the ride home. 
We stopped on the trail for a sandwich lunch near Thomastown and met some lovely people having a bbq waiting for their disabled son to join them..unfortunately he had to cancel.
We had another stop for afternoon tea at “Stephen Seymour’s coffee shop” which was a good break!
The rest of the ride was interrupted with trail flooding where the Yarra and Darebin creek met and through the flood plain near the Burke rd bridge 
We finally made it home to Kenmare st at 3.15 pm in the sun!
It was the end of a magnificent and challenging ride from Sydney to Melbourne 
We have covered 1136 kms and climbed 10,443 metres 
Our only mishaps were the rain preventing us from doing the leg from Wagga to Albury and one puncture!
We had some challenging days with the weather but overcame them with typical Aussie and Kiwi determination.
Special thanks must go to Chris for organising the navigation and keeping both Ellio and I honest to use navigation rather than our gut feel. Also for teaching us new tricks on our Garmin's and using cycle.travel.
Also special thanks to Ellio for joining the ride from Albury…. He had a great time.
The initial reaction on finishing the ride and having a tea at Kenmare st was joy in completing the challenge. I am sure we will all reflect on the achievements we made on our journey  and savour the special moments we had.
Well done Chris and Ellio for your special friendship!

The start of the days ride…

On the road….

Here is Melbourne…. Almost home!

My 2 riding buddies!

Oh … oh. There is no way over this water on the trail near the meeting of the Yarra and Darebin creek 

My tattoo!!!
No it is grease from the bike chain!

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Day 13- Euroa to Broadford

Today was just a beautiful day for riding…
- there was virtually no wind
- there was virtually no rain!!!
- the temperature was coolish to start off with but warmed up as the sun came out !
So we started riding after a quick breakfast at a cafe in Euroa. We were on the road by 7.30 am and made our way to Avenal for morning tea. It was in a cafe which previously housed the station. It was a hive of activity when we arrived as the food and coffee were great.
We then made or way on to Seymour for lunch.
As we made our way to Seymour the land become more hilly. This was in sharp contrast to the past couple of days where the roads were dead flat!
At Seymour we had lunch outside the station with takeaway pies and cakes from a lovely cafe.
After lunch it was on to Broadford with the roads going through more hills as we made or way.
We finally arrived at our hotel at around 3.15 pm.
Great day of riding with the enjoyable company of Chris and Ellio. 

Breakfast at Euroa at the cafe which was open early!!!

Morning tea at Avenal… great cakes and coffee and a real buzz of action!!

A creek we crossed where the flooding has recently receded 

A view of the foothills near Broadford 

A view towards Broadford 
Note the sun!!!!
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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Day 12- Wangaratta to Euroa

Todays ride was again in the flat country north of the great dividing range in Victoria.
Looking at the weather map earlier this morning it was looking ok for most of the day but it was rather cool. It was time to layer up with gear.
We made good time to Glenrowan where we had morning coffee and had a look at Kelly’s last stand.
After this it was on to Benalla for bike repairs as Ellio had a broken cable on his rear brakes. The repair shop was called Wheelie Awsome!
Whist the repairs were underway we had another coffee and sausage roll in the next door cafe which was run by Headspace a disability provider. It seems they run the bike shop as well. We had a delightful chat to a local couple who were in the cafe and as usual they were interested in our ride.
After coffee it was on to Violet Town but we were held up with a tyre puncture from Chris’s bike which was duly repaired.
Arriving at Violet Town we had a late lunch and drink and were able to chat to the local council representative who was full of information on the region. 
After this it was on to Euroa along a road that turned into a real bog which even the biggest tractor would struggle to make progress!
We pressed on for about 7kms in the slush and to make matters worse it started to really rain hard!
Now throughly saturated we made our way on sealed roads into Euroa!
I made a trip down the Main Street to see whether Phil’s bike lock was still on the bike stand….. well no it was not there…in fact there is an entirely new stand there now…. Sorry Phil!!!!
At this stage the rain was really coming down and so I waited to make my way to the motel.
Now thoroughly saturated, dirty with mud it was in to the shower for a thorough clean and warm up.
After this we organised the laundry with the motel owner and then we went to dinner at the Seven Creeks pub where I enjoyed a meal of bangers and mash
Today was a good day of adventure and I am pleased we made it through relatively unscathed!
It was a day where we travelled about 92 kms and climbed 262 metres 

Euroa…. No lock on the bike stand Phil!

What a bog!!!!

Chris fixing his puncture 

Travels along Harrison Road!
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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Day 11- Albury to Wangaratta

Last evening we were joined by Ellio Stocco from my riding group in Melbourne…. He caught the train up from Melbourne to join us on the last 4 days into Melbourne….
After briefing him on the ride and sorting out his Garmin to download rides etc we had a delightful roast dinner at the hotel…. Roast pork chops and vegetables!
After a good night of sleep we awoke to a reasonably good day with some clouds and even a bit of sun!
We started at about 8.30 am and made our way through  aaaaqAlbury to the Murray River which was right up to the bridge almost. There was water everywhere along the floodway near the river!
After crossing into Victoria we then made our way to Barnawatha for a lovely coffee stop run out of a caravan next to the post office. The lady serving us was delightful and it seems the place to go for bike riders as several groups of riders from Albury stop there.
After coffee we made on to the lovely town of Chilton and enjoyed the history of the place which started during the 1850 gold rush. 
Being not ready for lunch, Ellio and I found a lovely cafe/ winery where we were able to get a toasted sandwich to go. The venue in Chilton was called Posh Plonk which is work another visit sometime.
After this the fun began with ever increasing showers along the way to Wangaratta. We also managed to organise ourselves to draft into the wind hitch proved to be very helpful to progress towards Wangaratta.
When the rain became very heavy we stopped to have our toasted sandwich in the shelter of the CFA station in North Wangaratta…. Thank god for this shelter as the rain was very heavy!
After this it was on to the final push in to Wangaratta and the closer we got to the to the town the heavier the rain became!
We finally arrived at the motel at 3.30 pm after doing about 90 kms with about 450 metres of climbing.
We were absolutely drenched and it was off with the clothes and on to a warm shower….
The accommodation tonight is in bungalow style buildings such as you see in caravan parks
We are a little out of town so will do an Uber to somewhere for dinner 
We are on the road again tomorrow to Euroa and we all hope the rain eases!

Finally in Victoria!!!
The wet state!!!

The mighty Murray River in full flow and flooding 

The lovely place in Chilton 

Posh Plonk … must come back here
It is in the old Masonic Hall which has been beautifully renovated 

Some of the flooding on the bike path whic we went through today!

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