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Day 10 - Rest Day Albury & Ride to Ettamogah Pub

Today was another rest day on the ride in Albury… 
The weather was cloudy with passing showers for most of the day. There were some sunny periods to make it a mixed bag really! The temperature was around 20 degrees for most of the day.
Again we awoke early after a night of watching the Budget speech by the new Australian Treasurer and it was full of the entirely predictable comments from the press which makes the whole event pretty “ho hum”
As Chris said nothing really changed for us on our ride today in the budget.
The good news is that we have continental breakfast included in the room charge, so after showers we made our way to the dining room. The breakfast was good and filling!
E then made our way on the bikes to the Ettamogah pub along bike paths and roads and enjoyed the scenery along the 20 km route. The pub itself was okay but not spectacular and we had morning tea.
After waiting for the showers to clear we made our way back to Albury along a more direct route and we’re back at the motel around 2.00pm
I then made a 2 km walk to the laundromat to do the washing.Once again this was between showers!
Some silly women at the laundromat accused me of staring at her, to which I apologised and made sure I did not look at her again. To be frank she caught my eye as a typical bogun type!
After making my way back to the hotel we awaited the arrival of Ellio Stocco who is traveling to Albury by train to meet us for the ride back to Melbourne.
Tonight we will have dinner in the dining room at the hotel ahead of an early night of rest before we make the way to Melbourne over the next 4 days 
Another good day on the journey!

Another pub on the way to Ettamogah… a day of pubs really!

A view from the road towards the Hume weir 

The Ettamogah pub!

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Day 9 - Wagga to Albury

Well another interesting day on our journey!
Last night there was considerable rain for a fair bit of the night and the weather forecast looked bad so when we awoke there was unanimous agreement that the train option was on!
To be frank the road conditions with potholes and riding in the rain had very little appeal.
So we booked the train to our next stop at Albury. The cost of the train was $ 31.82 for the two of us plus a further $24.20 for our 2 bikes…. Fancy that the bikes almost cost as much as us!
As the train was leaving at around 2.00 pm we had some time to kill so we went on a walk down the Main Street which was nice. We stopped in at the bike shops for a chat and found they were not too friendly to a couple of blokes on a ride from Sydney to Melbourne.
We found a lovely cafe serving roast pork and vegetables and had a good feed covering us for lunch and dinner.
Then we thought might be a good idea to sort out the bike situation at the train station and low and behold we had to box our bikes up for the train ride!
Why can’t the trains cater better for bike riders….Grrrrr!
Fortunately the train station assistant was good and found us boxes for the bikes and we disassembled our bikes for the boxes.
We then had about an hour and half wait for the train and had time to chat to a fellow traveler who was going to meet his lady partner in Melbourne. He is a heart specialist and we had a good chat about his practice in various parts of NSW. Amazing who you meet 
The train ride to Albury was about an hour and a quarter and the weather seemed brighter with sunny spots and the odd showers 
 After arriving at Albury we reassembled our bikes and rode to the motel in Lavington which was our only biking for the day. Total of about 5 kms!
Th e accommodation is good and the weather seems fine now with warm sun 
Let’s hope this continues as we travel through to Melbourne!
All in all a good day….

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Day 8 Cootamundra to Wagga

The weather Gods were with us again today. Virtually no rain and a tail wind for almost the entire journey!
We were also on a descent after a hill out of Cootamundra for nearly the whole way to Wagga 
The day started with a coffee in the Main Street of Cootamundra then we were on our way.
First stop was Junee which was about 40 kms from our start.
We originally planned it to be our lunch stop but arriving at 11.00 am we made it a brunch stop at the bakery. Food was okay but wouldn’t write home about it!
Then on to Wagga along a secondary road which was quieter than the Olympic highway which was our route to Junee.
The ride again was fast reaching speeds of over 40kph at various times.
We arrived at Wagga at 1.00 pm after travelling 92 kms at an average of 22 kph for the whole ride!
The climb total today was a pultry 575 metres!
A good day of riding to take us well over half way on the ride!
Let’s hope the weather god’s continue to smile on us!
Looking forward to the ride to Albury and a day of rest!

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Day 7 - Yass to Cootamundra

The good news was the rain stopped today!
Thank god as it was another big day for us both as we rode 119 kms and climbed 1708 metres!
As I said it was great that we started with no rain and all through the day we only had slight drizzle very infrequently and the sun was quite hot when it came out from the clouds 
The first stage of the ride took us on to the Hume freeway for a short 3 km time which was ok as there appeared to be very little traffic including trucks.
The shoulder was also very good thankfully 
The first stop was Bowning for morning tea which was in a delightful replica of a bush hut and the coffee was okay… can’t say the scones were fresh but they filled a spot.
We chatted to the owner who was a delightful woman who with her now deceased husband built the coffee/ cafe shop and the adjacent house!
It was also good to catch up with the Melbourne Wheeliebinners who were at coffee on their Sunday ride .
After coffee it was on to Harden for lunch and I have got to say the rolling country was at its splendid best with green pasture, some wheat growing and plenty of canola just about to flower!
The only issue was there were plenty of shortish climbs with thrilling descents.
At Harden we went to the Harden Country Club for lunch and had a delightful and big roast chicken meal.
The meal was excellent and meant we could have a snack dinner!
Now full after lunch it was off to Cootamundra… once again we passed through delightful country where there appears to be more beef farming.
The other thing was there were a few challenging late ride climbs just to test the legs!
We arrived safely at the motel in Cootamundra shortly after 5.00 pm which was good timing.
Of interest is the sights today of animals…. There were kangaroos, tortoises ( on the road), a fox and a dead snake!
The birds have been delightful but every now and then we get swooped by magpies!
All in all a challenging day with good rewards for the effort!

Coffee at Bowning… delightful reproduction of a bush home!

View of the rolling hills of the ride and the road… generally ok today but there are plenty potholes!

View of the road and rolling farmland 
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Day 6 -Canberra to Yass

This was supposed to be an easy day!!
Well no it turned out to be one of the more difficult rides on this journey….why you may well ask!
We part of the answer lies with advice we got in Canute take the “scenic” route to Yass… the other park related to the weather….rain!
On the weather front there was considerable rain overnight in Canberra and as we started on our normal 7.30 ish ride the rain was gentle but steady.
We made good time to the scenic road which included travel on the wonderful Canberra bike paths. The road out of Canberra to Yass was terrific until we reached the crossing of the Molonglo river where the road was closed. With no alternative roads available it was back to Canberra again and on the bike paths for what seemed an eternity until we met the Barton Highway which leads to Yass 
The Highway road had a good shoulder which made for good travelling but the rain was fairly steady for most of this part of the trip. We made a couple of rest stops which broke the journey which seemed to be timed to the heavier downpours luckily 
We arrived at the Australian Hotel in Yass which is a traditional Aussie pub. After some mucking around we headed for a warm shower and a clean up after a heavy day of riding. 
Today we rode 124 kms and climbed over 1300 metres. The original plan was for us to do about 70 kms and about 1000 metres of climbing… so a lot of additional work!
I/we w were pleased with the day despite the additional challenges and all the additional riding makes us a lot stronger for the days ahead…. Hopefully the rain will ease!

Bugger! The road is closed!
Back to Canberra!!!

WTF we do now Chris?

Hooray we have finally reached the start of the Barton Highway!!!
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Day 5 Rest in Canberra

This morning despite being a rest day we were up at around 7.00am and after breakfast in our room we rode to the nearby bike shop called Lonsdale Bikes to get a few bike bits!
We left the bikes for the day at the shop and after trying the scooter hire app we agreed public transport was probably a better way to see the sights of Canberra. We walked to the tourist information centre at Regatta Point where we were able to obtain bus cards to allow us to travel on the bus network. Being seniors this was all free!
The first stop was Parliament House which was great to visit. First time for me in the new Parliament House.
We then took the bus over to the War Memorial which was again a great place to visit.
After a bite of late lunch we made our way back to the bike shop and from there we rode back to the motel.
After doing the washing and cleaning the bike we the Ubered our way to the local shops for dinner.
The place we chose was a lovely pub and we ordered our meal….. then to our surprise the music went louder and a lovely young lady proceeded to undress herself to the music…. Yes we could not believe what we were seeing…. And no it was not a sleazy strip joint!
The rest of the diners were mainly ladies and they loved the performance!
It was straight out of the Moulin Rouge text book!!
We stayed and ate our meal and low and  behold she did a second performance!
After this we had a chat to her and a few of the younger girls in the audience and all were staggered on   our riding holiday and we ended up swapping Strava links!
Well I must admit this was a memorable night for us both…
A good day of rest ahead of the next 4 days of riding to Albury…. Let’s hope the weather is kind…. Although as I write this blog there is thunder, lightning and heavy rain!

War Memorial 

View from War Memorial to Parliament House 

Chris at the reflection pool at the War Memorial 

VC winner who was a scholar at Wesley College… my school!

View from the Parliament House to the War Memorial 

Parliament House
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Day 4- Goulburn to Canberra

We started the day early but were held up having coffee at the bike shop where inevitably we were attracted to getting helmet lights as mine was not working all day on the rides so far. I think the battery is stuffed!
We made our way out of Goulburn around 9.30 am on a route that avoided the major highways and took in some lovely farm land initially and then some challenging climbing. All up we climbed nearly 1300 metres which is the record for the ride…
The interesting observation made by us both was the lack of farm animals in the paddocks … I can only think that it might have something to do with the wet weather in the region recently.
The other observation we made was the poor state of the sealed roads with significant potholes on all the roads! Presumably this also relates to the wet weather taking it’s toll on the roads.
After lunch at Collector at a lovely cafe where we had smashed avocado sandwich. Quite a surprise I the middle of nowhere but it was very popular!
After lunch it was on to a “killer “ of a climb up along to a razorback which we travelled along to the outskirts of Canberra. The initial climb had me walking for about a km with gradients of over 20% in some parts!
The view from the top was quite outstanding as the photos show.
The ride in to and through Canberra was enjoyable despite being on unmade roads for most of the traverse along the range.
The Canberra bike paths were terrific and took us through many of the suburbs which are interspersed with big open fields.
Quite outstanding planning.
The day was a big challenge but I was pleased to finish in okay shape but tired.
Dinner tonight was in our room with roast pork and coleslaw rolls…. All good to replenish the energy stocks
Looking forward to the day off tomorrow 
For some reason I am having trouble getting the photos to download and will have publish them later 
Enjoy the blog!!
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Day 3- Mittagong to Goulburn

Today was always going to be a tough ride and it certainly did not disappoint!
We did 120 kms with 1316 metres of climbing!
The good news was the weather was really good for riding and the roads were quite quiet apart from a short 2 km ride on the Hume freeway!
The route took us through some lovely country from the Southern Highlands through to the Southern Tablelands.
Around Bowral, MossVale and Bundadoon the houses and properties we rode past were quite spectacular!
We stopped for coffee ( and scones for me!) at Moss Vale in an exceptional cafe in the old post office and had lunch in a cafe in Marulan.
The last part of the ride from Marulan to Goulburn was probably the most difficult with a really long climb ahead of a lovely downhill into Goulburn.
The other difficulty was our map route took us through a road that was closed and turned into a tip!
Unfortunately we has to make a backtrack and travel for a short period on the Hume freeway. The noise of the trucks was terrible but the road shoulder was very wide so there was good distance from the trucks and cars!
I was pleased with my riding today after an adjustment to the seat height and courtesy of a good night of sleep!
I must admit not doing longer rides has left me a bit out of shape but by the end of the whole journey I should be back!
At the end of the ride we had a bit of a SNAFU with the motel bookings with the room only having one bed!
We sorted this out by canceling the boot and going to the motel next door 
I am a little annoyed with this as I booked through booking.com with a special request for 2 beds which was ignored by the Carlton Suites motel…. Don’t book them.
Interesting to be in Goulburn which has some family history from my mothers family. Her mother was a Gray and the family were involved in the wool auction business in the early 1900’s. We also had many family holidays in Goulburn visiting family over the early years of my life… interesting fact was Dunc Gray is related to my mother as I said earlier and he won an Olympic gold medal for cycling at the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. The event was the mens track time trial!
How about that…. And here I am in Goulburn doing a bike ride from Sydney to Melbourne!
All good so far and Lind forward to the ride to Canberra 

Interesting trail along a river near Moss Vale

Coffee at Moss Vale/ Chris is posing for the photo 

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Day 2 - Sydney- Melbourne ride/ Campbelltown to Mittagong

We had an early start again this morning being up at around 6.00 am. The weather was good with a cool start and temperatures in the low 20’s … and no rain!!!
We had to make a choice early on in the ride whether we took part of the ride along the Hume freeway or not!
Not much of a choice really as the thought of going along the road shoulder with BDouble trucks and a lot of traffic really made the alternate route much better and as it turned out far quieter and more scenic!
We had a coffee stop at Camden and lunch at Picton following in a large part the old Hume Highway. The road was good with some traffic…. Every now and then our route took us on side roads which were both challenging in terms of climbing and rewarding in terms of being quiet where we could enjoy the countryside.
The country between the major town’s was interesting in that there were a lot of very expensive houses on farm lots. Seems an ideal place to have a place to chill out if you lived in Sydney!
To be frank… on a couple of the climbs I walked my bike as my legs were “ cooked “…seems the legs are struggling at this stage. I am sure they will come good as the ride progresses.
Today we rode about 75 kms and climbed about 1160 metres!!
Big day.
Looking forward to a lighter day tomorrow!

A nice view of the Camden valley 

Another view of the Valley…. Note the bike paths are well organised 

On one of our climbs…recent road erosion from the rain!

Home for the night…. Melrose Motel. My dads middle name was Melrose!

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Day 1 - Sydney Melbourne Ride- Sydney to Campbelltown

After a restful night of sleep it was up at 6.00 am and breakfast before heading out on the ride
It was with great trepidation we looked out the windows to see it was raining….bugger!
Getting our bikes from the garage we were met with a huge downpour of rain and waited for it to subside which it did thankfully!
So off we went in the drizzle which cleared as we moved out of Sydney 
The travel for the day was mainly on bike paths which were pretty well looked after 
The first part of the trip included travel past the Olympic Park which looked completely deserted and frankly a Bit tired!
We tried to get in to the main stadium but were prevented by security guards 
The trip to Campbelltown included stops for coffee near Parramatta and lunch at Leppington
We arrived at the motel at about 3.30 in the sunshine 
The motel is very comfortable with good facilities 
A good day 1 of the ride with 82 kms covered and about 700 metres of climbs 
A great first day despite a wet start!

The Olympic stadium….not a soul in sight!

A wet start!!
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Shakedown After Arriving in Sydney

Yesterday was an early start with my son , Chris picking me up at 7.00 am for the ride to the airport. Very grateful for the ride as the bike box was rather large( see photo)
I was a bit concerned that the box might be too big for Qantas , but had no problem at all. In fact the bike transport was very smooth with the bike arriving intact at Sydney airport. 
After taking a taxi I arrived at the Sydney Youth Hostel which is right across the road from the main Sydney railway station.
I met Chris and it was great to see him again after a long time due to Covid and all the pandemic restrictions.
It was then time to assemble the bike which apart from trouble with pumping the tyres up was relatively quick. The issue with pumping the tyres related to the valve not seating when the pump was removed and we spent some time pumping and re-pumping the tyres when the valve blew off!
In the end we got one tyre pumped up and had to take the other wheel to a bike shop to get them to help.
After all of this we decided to go by ferry to Manly for dinner. It was a really pleasant trip across the harbour and after a short walk to the beach we found an Italian place for a bowl of pasta….good food!
After dinner it was back on the speed ferry and tram to the youth hostel and in to bed!
This morning we were up and about at 7.00 am and on our bikes at about 8.00 am for the shakedown ride
The weather was good for the day. Virtually no wind and warm sun.
The ride was planned by us using cycle.travel and was a loop around the inner harbour on the western side of the harbour… it took in some very pleasant scenery along Darling Harbour and crossed a number of bridges including Anzac, Gladesville and of course the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge.
On the way we had breakfast near the Opera House, lunch in North Sydney and made a visit to the bike shop in Sydney central to sort out a couple of things.
The ride was about 50 kms monsoon bike paths and was enjoyable plus it gave me a real chance to set the bike up for the days of riding ahead.
We arrived back at the Hostel and showered and sorted out washing and a few grocery items for breakfast.
Not sure where we will have dinner tonight but think it it maybe local with an early night ahead of an early start for the ride tomorrow.
A good couple of days to start the ride… looking forward to the days ahead!!!!
There are no photos at this stage as I am having trouble downloading them….sorry will send them later!!!!

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Sydney Melbourne Ride

I am leaving tomorrow for a ride with my Kiwi mate Chris where we are looking to ride from Sydney to Melbourne 
The ride will take about 2 weeks and we are following the Hume Highway roughly. We have 2 rest days in both Canberra and Albury. It is unsupported and we are planning on staying at cheaper motel style accommodation most of which has been pre booked.
We will be riding about 1200 kms and climbing about 9500 metres 
Tomorrow I catch the plane to Sydney and have packed the bike and gear in the bike box.
Hope you enjoy the blog as we make our journey.

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Bass Coast Ride

 Day 4- Yarrum to Home via Traralgon 

It was raining all night at Yarrum and we agreed at dinner that we would probably not ride in the wet!

Waking at about 7.00am it was still drizzling so all but Anthony decided that we would not ride but “ferry” riders to Traralgon to catch the train. In the meantime Anthony would make his way through the Strzelecki ranges to Traralgon. 

I set off with Gary, Frank, Stephen and Mike in the drizzle in the ute to the Traralgon railway station and after crossing the mountain range in the drizzle it cleared. We arrived about an hour early for the train courtesy of not adjusting the clocks for the ending of daylight saving!

The boys were left at the station and I returned to Yarrum….I managed to catch Anthony on the final hill on the climb out of the Strzelecki ranges and he was soaked through with the drizzle but determined to finish the ride….

Returning to Yarrum I met Rob and Phil for a coffee and “toastie” and after packing the ute we made our way through to Traralgon again….still through the drizzle!

We met Anthony just outside the Loy Yang power stations and after getting changed he joined us for the trip back to Melbourne….fortunately Rob drove most of the way home.

The trip was uneventful other than traffic getting to Phil’s flat in Richmond….

Arriving home, Rob and I unpacked the ute and the boys picked up bags etc

Ending these rides is always a bit sad but it gives us a real opportunity to see parts of our wonderful country with a group of similar minded cyclists 

Special thanks to Gary for sorting out the ride and to all who were part of a special time together

Here is photo of us all at the Yarrum Country Club having our final dinner 

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Bass Coast Ride

 Bass Coast Ride-Day 3 Toora to Yarrum 50 km

The day started a bit late with us all sleeping in until about 8.00am!

The weather was cool with drizzling rain with a fair bit of gloom!

Little did we realise the day ahead would have plenty of adventure!!!

After breakfast we left at about 9.30 am with the ride along the Great Southern Rail Trail to Welshpool and Port Welshpool for morning tea….well the only place for morning tea was the general store…. To say the coffee was ordinary would be an understatement but at least we were out of the rain and wind!

After this we made our way to Telegraph Road once again in the drizzle. The road was sealed for the first few kms then gravel for the next few kms….then sand!

Well this meant we needed to walk the bikes potentially for about 10pm!!!After walking for a few kms we agreed we needed an alternate plan and resorted to putting the bikes on the ute 4 at a time to travel by car to the end of the road!

I was on the second group so we had a longer walk whilst waiting for the ute to return.

The guys in the first group ride on to Yarrum and we in the second group agreed to “cheat “ a bit by traveling all the way to Yarrum by car… a great option given the weather and the tribulations of Telegraph Road 

This experience takes over from experiences we have had previously with Ellio on the famous Allendale Rd hill!!

Big call to beat a 20% plus series of climbs!!!

Arriving at Yarrum it was off to the bakery for a lovely lunch and recap of our adventures 

After lunch we made our way to the caravan park and spent some time cleaning our bikes

All in all these are the days of some challenges but in responding to them it makes the day more meaningful and rewarding 

So thanks to all the group in working together as a team in the circumstances 

These are out of order…

Trying to unclog the sand from my bike!!

The order dockets at morning tea…
Very complicated really!!
Mine was 45

Happy birthday to Mike’s grandson above 
Followed by the start of the sandy part of Telegraph 

Bogged down!

Waiting at the road fork for the ute…

The start of the day of adventure at Toora 
Little did we realise what would come!

Loading up the bikes on the ute!

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 Bass Coast Ride-Day 2 April 1 2022

Today being April fools day was pleasantly surprising with an early morning wake up at 7.00am with cloudy weather and temperatures in the mid teens… the only April fool trick was the head wind!!!

We were off riding by about 8.30 am for the days ride to Toora about 70 kms away 

The first stop was Tarwin Lower for coffee which was after about 20kms into the wind. Once again it was single file and rotated riders after about a km… seemed to work well and the group is finally organising itself for this sort of riding after about 20 years of training!

The morning coffee was welcome and made the next 20 km ride to Fish Creek somewhat more enjoyable as we found the rail trail to get us off the main roads. It was quite a bit more sheltered than the roads and the gradients were more gentle!

Lunch at Long John Pickles was great… several of us had the chicken pie with chips…. All good for the afternoon push in to Toora.

Once again we were on the rail trail which made for pleasant riding and some great scenery. The weather was ok with some drizzle at times 

We made good time to get in to Toora and about 3.45pm

We are staying the night at the Toora Lodge Motel which is quite comfortable and we are looking forward to a pub meal tonight 

A good day of riding particularly on the rail trail.. all the better with a great bunch of blokes

Great view from the side of the rail trail

Lunch at Fish Creek 

View of the rail trail

At Tarwin Lower

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Bass Coast Ride Day 2

At Lang Lang
A demons supporter!
At the start of the ride
At morning tea at Caldermeade farm 
At the top of one of the climbs

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Bass Coast Ride

 Bass Coast Ride- Day 1 Cranbourne to Inveloch 100 kms

Today was an early start for all of us leaving home and driving to Cranbourne railway station to meet the guys traveling by train from Murrumbena.

We started the ride from the station at about 9.00am with coolish weather and the threat of rain but it stayed away thankfully! But…. We had a head wind for most of the day which meant we had to ride in a group taking turns at the front after about a km. Seemed to work well

The first part of the ride was through the outer suburbs of greater Melbourne which was quite amazing that the spread of Melbourne reaches this far!

I was first in the ute and started my ride after about 15 kms

The early part of the ride was through the market gardens of Victoria on the flat 

We travelled through to Caldermeade farm for morning tea which is near Lang Lang where my wife Robyn spent the early years of her life. Her father was the local doctor in the town 

After morning tea it was off to the climb up the hills to Loch for lunch….lovely lunch venue

It was a late lunch about 1.30 pm 

We then had a fairly big climb out of Loch and through undulating country to Longwack where we were to have arvo tea. The town was shut so we made our way through to Invaloch to the Big4 caravan park where we enjoyed a shower in lovely cabins. A great relief after a long day of 100 kms for most of the group. Arriving at about 4.30 pm meant we had time for a rest before dinner 

I should mention that one of our group Ellio pulled out at the last minute as his father was taken to hospital. We all hope he is okay and our thoughts are with Ellio….

A good day of hard riding… will sleep well tonight 

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Day 5 - Yea Ride

Lunch together at the Aqua Bar and Grill... good food and a lovely view of the weir

Looking down from the dam wall to the Goulburn river

A panoramic view of the weir and the dam wall

The water being released in to the Goulburn river

A lovely vie of the Goulburn river near Thornton 

The dam wall road 

The view of the Eildon Harbour from the restaurant where we had lunch 

 Commentary on the day’s activities:

 Today began with us packing up our belongings after 4 nights at the Yea motel which was a superb centre for us all for the hub and spoke ride. Having the entire motel to ourselves was a real advantage as we were able to use the grounds for meals and sorting out the rides each day.... motel was well selected by Ray 

With cars packed we were ready to leave at about 8.30 for Alexandra where we parked our cars and unloaded the bikes for the day’s ride to Eildon ... 

In leaving Yea we said goodbye to Des who was to proceed on his own to Mansfield and other places.Safe travels Des!

After coffee in Alexandra we were on our way to Eildon on an amended route taking out the big climb on the original route.... a very good decision 

The weather was fine but coolish which made for good riding for the day.

The first 5 kms of the ride was hilly but thereafter to Eildon was quite flat... the only exception was a hilly ride to the lunch venue at the Eildon Harbour 

As we were on major roads a few of us hung back to allow cars and trucks sufficient room to make passing moves safely

We arrived early for lunch at the Aqua bar and grill which was very pleasant and the food was excellent....

After lunch we made our way across the dam wall and other hydro infrastructure back to the main road.

The rest of the trip back to Alexandra was uneventful although a few of us were taking it slowly along the road to enjoy the solitude of the country-side and the lovely weather 

Arriving back at the car park we packed the bikes on cars and said our goodbyes after 4 days of riding and wonderful fellowship including discussions on all manner of subjects 

For me the 4 days of riding were 285 kms traveled and 2780 metres climbed... a great achievement 

For the Flat Earthers this was an enormous achievement and we all respected their efforts in the last dinner together 

Special thanks to Ray and Ellio for organising the ride and we all look forward to the next group ride !

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Day 4 - Yea Ride

Morning tea at Yarck... lovely cakes and great coffee!
Andrew pointing out where we should have had lunch at the bottom of a climb which most missed in their enthusiasm to get to the top 
At the stay of the day.... yes the pictures are out of order!!!
A somewhat standard houseboat near the Goulburn river!!!
Dinner at theWetlands centre.... great food and great cheer at the end of the day!
We had a SNAFU moment here trying to find the rail trail so we had to traverse some country to get there?
A view of the Goulburn river 
Where we should have had lunch!
A nice view of the Goulburn valley from the top of the ridge 

Today’s ride information!!!!

A big day 

Lunch at the top of the 3rd Climb for the day

Comments on Today’s Ride

 Today was the day of the big ride of approximately 100 kms with a few big climbs ....

So we were on the road after breakfast at about 8.15 am with a lot of enthusiasm for the day

The first 20 odd kms were on reasonably flat country but we needed to make good time to Yarck for morning tea. The Yarck cafe was very good with lovely cakes and after good coffee , donuts and 2 lamingtons it was off to the beginning of the climb of about 400 metres to the top of the ridge where we travelled around 50 kms for the ride. It was here that we lost Abdy and Anthony who missed the turnoff on the Ruffy road. So we waited for them and proceeded for another 2 fairly long long climbs to lunch... gosh it was well deserved after over 1000 metres of climbing!!!

After a a refreshing lunch courtesy of the Yarck cafe we were off again for the final 35 kms back to Yea.... however there was another climb of about 70 metres over about 1.2 kms!!!!

After this the riding was over undulating country until we reached a magical descent from the plateau of about400 metres over about 10kms..... wow what a a great end to the ride after a big day!!!

The day ended at about 4.30 pm with us all feeling we had a great day of achievement 

Ellio, Ray, Gary, Steve Chen and Jeff organised a great dinner of steak fish prawns and salads at the Wetlands centre which was a perfect way to thank all involved with organising the ride.... particularly Ray Taylor for his careful and thoughtful organising of the “hub and spoke “ version of the ride who we all agreed worked well!

We all agreed that Ellio had done a great job of arranging the rides in all directions from Yea and the motel was perfect as our accommodation hub!

Looking forward to the last day of riding tomorrow 

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Wheelieharro Wheelieharro

Day 3 - Yea Ride

Lunch at the Flowerdale pub.... enjoying good food in the sun

Steve Chen powering up the hill on the ride to Flowerdale

....and here is Gary!!!

At the top of the big climb of about 10 kms.... great effort by all!!!

Morning tea with coffee scrolls at Strath Creek .... good stop to have ahead of more challenging riding later!

The group at the start of the the ride today

 Today’s ride was starting at about 8.00am with warmer weather than yesterday.... about 12 degrees as opposed to 7 the previous day!

The ride started along the rail trail which was delightful with a good surface and gentle gradients. The turnaround point was at Kerrisdale where we rode along the King Parrot road to Flowerdale for lunch. The pub lunch was very good and the publican was very hospitable!

After lunch it was on to the ride to Yea with a 10 km climb almost straightaway!!! The gradients gradually increased as we progressed with the max gradients at 14pc which was a bit challenging!

Reaching the top was delightful and the descent into Yea was exhilarating! We were reaching speeds of over 60 kph with Rob reaching 80 kph !!!! Magnificent effort Rob!!!

We arrived in Yea at about 2.30 pm after doing about 70 kms for the day with a feeling of real achievement for the day 

Dinner was organised by Ray with pizzas from the local pizza shop delivered to the motel where we set up tables and chairs in the paved bbq area.... wonderful meal with beer and wine with good banter about all manner of topics 

We were in our rooms by about 8.30 pm looking for a good night of sleep ahead of the biggest day of riding tomorrow 

All in all a great day of riding amongst good friends.... what could be better!!!

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