Day 13 - Big River Wailtuta 27 kms

After a good night of sleep we woke to a morning of mist which cleared as the day went on. After van early breakfast of scrambled eggs cans bacon on toast we were off to the Reefton ahead of starting the ride.
Along the way we saw a few of the TA riders who were making their way from north to south of New Zealand a distance of about 3000 kms!
At Reefton we had coffees and bought our lunch which we were to have along the way on our ride.
After coffees it was time after a short drive to start the Big River ride.
Well to say it was tough would be a dramatic understatement. The first 500 metres were on loose cobblestones and I was having real trouble maintaining balance. Rob had a fall over the edge of the track and shortly afterwards I had the first of my 4 falls for the day,
From then on the ride gradually worsened for me as I really struggled with the gravel tyres on my bike so much so that for most of the ride I walked…I recorded about 14,000 steps for the day!
Although the climbing was not much ( 770 metres) the trail was most difficult . It was 4WD road initially then a hiking track which was very narrow and at times and with deep ruts and at times challenging drops and areas where the track had subsided.
At one stage on the ride the track was in a creek which meat we had to carry our bikes. 
For me my confidence in riding the track was shot four after falls I had which although we’re not severe, played on my mind. This meant I was a at the back of the group in the ride being supported by Phil, John and Chris as I made my way on foot!
As the ride went on, the weather started to turn and the rain set in for the afternoon. This made the track more difficult with slippery surfaces on the Rick’s and tree roots.
To be frank I was glad to reach the end of the track where we met up with Rob and Phil who were the advance party to meet the van on the road.
Unfortunately the lack of phone reception meant the van was at a different location which John and Chris went on to locate, leaving Phil, Rob and I to wait in a toilet block to shelter from the rain.
Finally we all met and attached the bikes to the trailer and made our way home to the Bach via Reefton.
Being cold and wet, we all agreed that a friendly and welcoming warm shower was the go!
Arriving at the Bach it was into the shower and time to enjoy the warmth of the stove fire and then some well earned dinner.
Shortly after dinner it was bed, although I had a bit of “patching up” to do as I had a few cuts and scrapes from my falls!
To say the day was challenging would be a fair statement and for me the determination to finish the ride drive me to the end of the track. Also the help and support of all in the riding group was very much appreciated.
The day was a ride of 27 kms in a time of 7 hours and 37 minutes with an average speed for me of 3.64 kph.
I was glad to get to bed tonight to rest my weary legs and cuts and bruises…
Tomorrow thankfully we have agreed it will be a rest day!!!!

At Reefton for coffee and to meet some of the riders on the TA

The start of the Big River ride!

Some of the 4WD track early on in the ride

The views were good when I had a chance to get my eyes up from looking where I was going!

Here we went in to one of the gold mine tunnels along the track… there were lots of these!

Another view of a section of the track!

….a selfie of me at the end of the ride… tired and wet!

Phil and Rob waiting for the van to arrive in the shelter of the toilet block!


Day 12- Hokitika to Ross then relocate to the “Bach” 35 kms


Day 11- Kumara to Hokitika 72 kms