Day 6 -Twizel to Omarama 82 kms

The day started for is at 6.30 am with the wake up alarm and it looked like being a bright sunny start with very few clouds.
After breakfast we were on our way at 8.00am with a prompt on time getaway thanks to John and Rob
The first few kms were on good roads out of Twizel some of it beside water canals used for hydro power.
Then it was on to the A2O track which goes alongside the lake which was interesting in terms of the views but did require some concentration to ensure the bike took the right path given the pebbles on the track on some places
At around 11.30 am we reached the Lake Oahu Lodge which an old world hotel alongside Lake Oahu and adjacent to the Lake Oahu ski field. No skiing at this time of the year though!
Here we had coffees and teas and toasted sandwiches which become our lunch. It was quite a restful place with beautiful views and the staff were very welcoming to a bunch of old people like us!
The fire was very restful and provided some comfort to those who might have been a little cool as the temperatures were below 10 degrees despite the sun .
After lunch it was on to the big 10 km climb for the day. This was on a track which was rocky in parts and involved a climb of about 420 meters 
During the climb we were passed by some folk in electric bikes which meant pulling obeying the trail to let them pass. Bit of a bummer really as it destroyed momentum!
Any way I reached the top where it was quite cool and we were ahead of the main group so rather than wait we went on. The ride down from the top point was more difficult in many ways than the climb as the track was rocky and narrow in places. It meant for a slow descent. I did enjoy the bottom of the descent where there was long grass and the track was very easy!
After this Phil, Rob and I pressed on the finish the ride in Omarama at about 3.50 pm . It was a great day of riding with good weather and lovely countryside.

A view across one of the canals we rode alongside 

Salmon fishing in the canal 

At the Lake Oahu lodge enjoying the hospitality and the fire!

Rob enjoying the rest…. He was keen to stay have a few reds and put the bike on the trailer to our motel 

Interesting view of the trail and note the sign!

Rob Phil and myself at the top of the climb!

A view of the country as we mage for Omarama 

Day 7 - Omarama to Cromwell 96.5 kms


Day 5 - Mt Cook to Twizel 75 kms