Day 8 Cootamundra to Wagga

The weather Gods were with us again today. Virtually no rain and a tail wind for almost the entire journey!
We were also on a descent after a hill out of Cootamundra for nearly the whole way to Wagga 
The day started with a coffee in the Main Street of Cootamundra then we were on our way.
First stop was Junee which was about 40 kms from our start.
We originally planned it to be our lunch stop but arriving at 11.00 am we made it a brunch stop at the bakery. Food was okay but wouldn’t write home about it!
Then on to Wagga along a secondary road which was quieter than the Olympic highway which was our route to Junee.
The ride again was fast reaching speeds of over 40kph at various times.
We arrived at Wagga at 1.00 pm after travelling 92 kms at an average of 22 kph for the whole ride!
The climb total today was a pultry 575 metres!
A good day of riding to take us well over half way on the ride!
Let’s hope the weather god’s continue to smile on us!
Looking forward to the ride to Albury and a day of rest!


Day 9 - Wagga to Albury


Day 7 - Yass to Cootamundra