Day 2 - Sydney- Melbourne ride/ Campbelltown to Mittagong

We had an early start again this morning being up at around 6.00 am. The weather was good with a cool start and temperatures in the low 20’s … and no rain!!!
We had to make a choice early on in the ride whether we took part of the ride along the Hume freeway or not!
Not much of a choice really as the thought of going along the road shoulder with BDouble trucks and a lot of traffic really made the alternate route much better and as it turned out far quieter and more scenic!
We had a coffee stop at Camden and lunch at Picton following in a large part the old Hume Highway. The road was good with some traffic…. Every now and then our route took us on side roads which were both challenging in terms of climbing and rewarding in terms of being quiet where we could enjoy the countryside.
The country between the major town’s was interesting in that there were a lot of very expensive houses on farm lots. Seems an ideal place to have a place to chill out if you lived in Sydney!
To be frank… on a couple of the climbs I walked my bike as my legs were “ cooked “…seems the legs are struggling at this stage. I am sure they will come good as the ride progresses.
Today we rode about 75 kms and climbed about 1160 metres!!
Big day.
Looking forward to a lighter day tomorrow!

A nice view of the Camden valley 

Another view of the Valley…. Note the bike paths are well organised 

On one of our climbs…recent road erosion from the rain!

Home for the night…. Melrose Motel. My dads middle name was Melrose!


Day 3- Mittagong to Goulburn


Day 1 - Sydney Melbourne Ride- Sydney to Campbelltown