Covid Blog 32

Today was a real rest day with no riding and really no work done around the house 
The weather was terrible with rain and cold winds nearly all day!
The morning was spent catching up on paperwork at home and a lunchtime meeting with the Finance Risk Investment and Property committee at Alkira. We are conducting weekly meetings with this group to see how Alkira is dealing with the Covid-19 risk. Alkira looks after about 200 people with intellectual disabilities and has a staff including volunteers of over 100, so the virus risk management is really critical. 
The team at Alkira are doing a great job so far and with measures put in place we hope we can emerge from this okay... time will tell!
After the meeting I returned home and enjoyed the afternoon on the couch and sorting out the firewood for the afternoon and evening fire.... gosh it was cold.
As you will remember, I had my bike in for the anniversary service and it was ready at about 6.00 pm... so I picked it up from Cycleinn at that time. The boys have done another great job and the major item was getting a new bottom bracket... 
I am looking forward to getting back on the bike again after 3 days of rest 
A good day which although was not productive reflected a new need for rest
A photo ....or 2!!!

My serviced bike on the rack at home!

The new bottom bracket... yeh!


Covid Blog 33


Covid Blog 31