Covid Blog 31

Today I had a sleep in until 8.00 am ... really good to wake up with the fresh air after a good rain period.. the air somehow seems cleaner and heavier!
It was good to enjoy the morning breakfast with a view out over the back veranda. 
After breakfast I tidied up the house and loaded the back of the Ute with wood from the pile in the backyard of number 2
We seem to be using a lot of wood in the fire at home at Kenmare Street this early in the cooler months of the year!
After loading the Ute it was time to head home. The traffic was light on the roads with many still staying home based on the advice from the government.
When I got home I took my bike down to Cycleinn to get it’s annual service. The guys there are very good and although they are working in difficult circumstances with the virus, they seem very busy.
When I got home it was time to unload the wood from the Ute.... luckily I had some help from my grandson Cooper.... all good to get this done between rain showers.
The work done we had a good rest and readied ourselves for the lighting the fire and dinner...
It was a light day work wise today with riding on the bike and in a funny sort of way I missed it!!!
Now for a photo or 2

Selfie with my helper .... 

Cooper in front of the wood pile 


Covid Blog 32


Covid Blog 30