(Temporary Backup) Day 8- Decize to Montceau 92.7kms

We started early again at 7.00 pm and traveled down to the bakery to get some crowns other goodies for breakfast which we had in the village square 
All good to get going for Chris had sourced a short cut which cut about 40 kms from our journey 
The weather started out well but we could see the clouds rolling in from the west which did not look good. As it turned out there was a few brief thunderstorms which made the going a bit wet. Other than this the riding conditions were excellent and in sharp contrast to the heat of the previous few days....
The road conditions were good except for a country lane which had overgrown weeds and a rough surface which went  for about 1. 5 kms
We had an excellent lunch at Toulon - sur - Arroux which consisted of a steak with pasta and a cauliflower cream cake. 
The final ride in to Montceau was over some pretty hilly country but we had the wind behind us which was a blessing 
All day we climbed 980 metres which was challenging 
I thought this was probably my best riding day of the trip and am getting comfortable riding in successive days now
We are staying in a very comfortable Ibis hotel  .
Now for the photos 

At Decize as we left..... note the clouds building!!!

On the road before we started the rolling hills

Today’s trip 

Home for the night 


Day 7 - La Charite to Decize 74 kms


Day 5 - Evry to Cepoy 88.2 kms