Day 5 - Evry to Cepoy 88.2 kms

After a good night sleep we were awake early and decided to get dressed and have a quick breakfast and hit the the road. The weather was cool to start off with and warmed throughout the day to about 21 degrees 
We were on the road by 6.45 am
We made good time with very little traffic and the rroad conditions were good apart from a short section of cobbles.....
Morning tea was at Fleury en Bier a very quaint town with a large chateau. Chris had a sandwich ( baguette) and I had coffee and a cake. Then it was on to Nemours for lunch but not before trying to find a bike shop.... I wanted to get my tyre pressure checked and Chris wanted a new pair of bike gloves.... well the bike shop turned out to be more of a garden implement shop with ride on movers, chain saws etc than bike gear. The owner was very helpful and managed to get my tyres pumped up but as for bike gloves!!!
Anyway we then ventured in to the town for lunch in the town square which was very pleasant with the sun shining. Sharp contrast to Melbourne, my home town where the weather is very cold. Ringing home earlier it seems that the snow season has started early...
After lunch we then had a delightful trip along the canal de Loing which is alongside the de Loing river
The ride was flat and the canal had several barges and boats traveling along enjoying wonderful spring weather 
We made good time arriving at the youth hostel at Cepoy at 1.30 pm. Unfortunately we could not get into our room but were able to use the facilities for a shower and the like 
Today was a great day of riding and a chance to extend the distance a bit from yesterday 
I feel ok but we have a few big days ahead
Now for the photos....

The “cobbles”....

An interesting sign at morning tea
The juxtaposition of the bike parking and dog parking was interesting 

The Chateau At Fleury de Beir

Chris at lunch in Nemours 

Along the canal towards Cepoy 

Our bed for the night at the Youth Hostel 

Today’s ride


(Temporary Backup) Day 8- Decize to Montceau 92.7kms


(Temporary Backup) Day 3- Paris