Day 5- Rest day in Amiens- 5kms travelled

After the big ride yesterday we both felt we needed a day of rest!!!
I woke at about 7.00 am and made a call back home to wish my grand daughter Sienna a happy birthday... sorry not to be home at her party
Chris and I came down for breakfast to be greeted by a feast of bread and croissants in true French style.... our hosts are truly magnificent 
After chatting over breakfast Chris and I decided to travel in to town to look at the world heritage cathedral and have a coffee/ tea and a cake....well we needed to put some weight on after the riding!!
Travelling back to our accommodation we agreed it was best not to ride out to the war cemeteries at Villers Bretonneux. Rather we would take up the invitation from our hosts to travel with them in their van
All morning Jean was working on renovations to his home which will be something quite special when completed 
Before traveling we were again delighted with a lunch of French fare and some lovely French red
We then traveled out to Villers Bretonneux to look st the new Sir John Monash Centre which is very impressive 
After returning home we spent time on Warm Showers website looking for accommodation for the next 2 nights ahead of dinner in town
All in all a good day of rest with our delightful hosts

Australian War Cemetery at VB

Amiens cathedral 

Chris with our hosts Marine and Jean- lovely people!!


Day7 - Rouen to Evreux - 87 kms


(Backup) Day 4 - Boulogne to Amiens- 151 kms