(Backup) Day 4 - Boulogne to Amiens- 151 kms

The day started early with 6 am wake up and it was on to packing and to breakfast so we could be away by 7.00am
We had a big day of riding ahead!!!!
The trip started with a few mistakes in getting out of town as the roads are quite confusing but after we got out of town the bike paths were very good
The first stop was a First World War cemetery in Etaples where about 11000 soldiers are buried. The city hosted a hospital for wounded soldiers 
After this it was on Saint Valery Sur Somme for lunch. This was a very pretty village at the Somme estuary whet the canal up the river commences. The lunch of a pizza was eaten whilst we watched the second half of the France Australia World Cup soccer match...unfortunately Australia lost 2-1 much to the pleasure of the locals 
After lunch it was on to the bike path beside the canal. With the wind behind us it made for easy and fast riding.
The scenery was great and it made the 60 or so kms ride to the outskirts of Amiens very enjoyable 
The last 15 or so kms were on main roads which meant we needed to be careful of cars...
We arrived in our Warm Showers hosts home at about 6.00 pm after a big day
Our hosts showed us around their house which was delightful and it is on a very large block with a huge back yard. Both Marine and Jean are in the proces of big renovations which should be terrific when complete 
The shower and recovery was well deserved as well as dinner in the central area of Amiens. Our big mistake was ordering Steak Tartare which we both forgot was raw mince meat with an uncooked egg on top
I managed to eat most of mine but Chris struggled!
After dinner we walked back to our home to look forward to a long sleep and rest
FYI... I had a real SNAFU with the bottle of chain oil springing a leak in my cross bar bag. A big clean will be required.... seems the lid worked its way loose on the rougher roads 
All in all a pleasing but tough day of riding... tomorrow is scheduled as our rest day 

War cemetery at Estaples

Our lunch venue- good pizza but sorry about the soccer score

Inside the lunch venue 

At the mouth of the Somme 

100 kms up!!!!

Pretty square at Abbeville

Looking over the Somme valley after a big climb out of Abbeville

Boating along the Somme canal

Some pretty scenery along the canal 

... more scenery. This Chateau caught our eye 

Home for the night in Amiens!!!


Day 5- Rest day in Amiens- 5kms travelled


(Backup) Day 3 - Calais to Boulogne- 52 kms