Day 27- Travel back home

There was an early morning wake up at 3.15 am to get ready to catch the plan home…, this was the equivalent of 1.15 am Melbourne time!

After breakfast at Chris’s house it was off to the airport. Chris kindly provided the transportation for the short trip…..

We said our goodbyes to Chris and Steve and I made our way through check in, security and customs to the Qantas lounge ahead of boarding the flight home

The flight home was uneventful and gave me an opportunity to reflect on the trip as I watched the last half of Oppenheimer the movie.The reflection is later in the blog….

Arriving in Melbourne, it was chaotic with several early morning flights arriving at the same time!

The issue was getting through the e-gates at border control. There is just not enough of them and the border control officials just had no communication to help with the situation! Very third world and in sharp contrast to that in New Zealand.

Fortunately my son Chris had agreed to pick Steve and I up to drive us home….. thanks CC for this.

So ends almost 4 weeks of riding in New Zealand. By my calculations we travelled 1375 kms and climbed 14,285 metres over this period. We traversed the North Island from Auckland to Wellington then caught the ferry across to Picton and then headed south west to Reefton near Greymouth. After this we had several other rides from Westport and Greymouth after staying a few days at Chris’s Bach.

We travelled through some lovely countryside, met several interesting people along the journey and had some great rides. Some days were more challenging than others but all the challenges were met with our usual enthusiasm and endeavour.

The best thing was the renewal of the friends which were so integral to the success of the trip. To my riding buddies Chris Jones and Steve Seymour who rode with me on the whole journey, I say thanks. To John Aldis and Ian Hollebon, who joined us at Picton, it was great to be with you both again. John, your energy and enthusiasm as a fellow rider and Ian, your support as our driver in the support vehicle.

I want to single Chris out for organising and hosting the ride for a very special thanks. Chris, over the years we have ridden in many countries together and I must admit I have learned a lot from you about many things riding and about life! The rides in your country have been very special to me and most enjoyable.

Thanks to all and hope to see you again on another Wheelieharro adventure.

The final picture is of the whole team at the end of our ride.


Wangaratta Hub & Spoke Day 1


Day 26- Ride around Christchurch, pack up and have a surprise guest!