Day 24- Westport to Greymouth
Today we had an adventure!
We were up at about 6.15 am and ready for breakfast by about 6.45am… all “bright eyed and bushy tailed” as they say.
At the allotted time of 7.30am we were on the road to the start point of the Old Ghost Road trail…..
The car trip was uneventful but we had to stop for a coffee! Well we found the most delightful coffee/cafe at Granity for a last minute refresher before the trail ride.
As I said earlier, there was anticipation of a real adventure brewing particularly after the lady serving coffee said the Old Ghost Road trail was so easy that it catered for “little old ladies in wheelchairs “. A quote that will live in infamy!
After unloading the bikes and putting on some warm gear, as the temperature was about 11 degrees, we had our photo taken by Ian and it was off!
The first 20 metres were walked by me which was not a good sign of the trail ahead… the quote from the lady at the coffee shop was ringing in my head!
A little later the trail eased a bit but there was still a lot of walking with me and my bike! Further on we climbed a hill with steep sections and there was real trouble if you veered off the trail…. Down into the abyss to the river. Quite rightly for me, I was taking a low risk approach to this which meant walking many parts.
During this time there was several times we all met to regroup ahead of moving further down the trail.
On one section where we all stopped was particularly wooden over the side of the trail. As Steve mounted his bike to restart the journey he lost his balance in the loose gravel on the track and next he was over the side!
I was immediately behind him and saw this unfold to my horror! I yelled out for help and we all retrieved Steve and his bike. We then checked if he was okay and fortunately apart from a few bruises and being a bit dirty from the soil. His bike had lost its chain so it needed an adjustment to correct it. After settling Steve we then proceeded further!
I guess after proceeding about 300 metres we stopped again as Steve’s bike chain was sticking and dislodging from the gears! At this point we noticed that the wheel was not turning coywith a slight buckle. After regrouping it was decided that we should return beck to the car to see what the problem was. Fortunately Steve could ride the bike but the real concern was a full blown mechanical failure on the trail out in the middle of nowhere!.
Returning to the car was pleasing for us all and it was decided that we should not ride further. To be frank I was rather pleased that we did not go further on the trail…. The little old ladies on wheelchairs comment could not be further froM the truth!
After packing the bikes on the trailer it was off to Greymouth along the scenic road along the coast. We had quite a few stops along the way including a reunion with the lady on the cafe at Granity! We did not “pay her out” on her earlier comment about the state of the trail as the homemade pies and coffee were just heavenly.
There are quite a few pictures that probably don’t really reflect the beauty of the drive today. I hope you get a sense of this when you look at them below.
We arrived at Greymouth at around 4.30 pm and unpacked and showered.As I write this blog it is a delightful evening with a sunny 22 degrees.
Steve seems to have recovered well from his fall which is good.
I have finally found some ointment which helps cure the terrible itching caused by the sandflies which have taken a particular delight at feeding on my ankles and wrists!
It was a short ride today of about 10 kms which packed in some interesting tales of our journey !
Today’s pictures are as follows:
Todays route
The intrepid explorers at the start of the trail
Me pointing to where Steve had his fall
It was near this sign
The girls at the cafe who were bragging about the quality of the trail… little old ladies on wheelchair !
2 photos of the views along the road to Greymouth
Our home tonight