Covid Blog-41

I was up at about 6.30 am to get ready for the normal Sunday ride
After breakfast I dressed warmly as the weather was very cool and frosty... 
The route today was along trails in to the north of the city then through to Port Melbourne and for coffee at Elwood 
Today being Mothers Day it seems that there was a real opportunity to get out and enjoy a bit of warm weather after the cooler start. I am not sure whether everyone was complying with the government imposed regulations on the Covid virus lockdown 
After the ride when I returned home we received a visit from  Nick and his family and Jodie and her family to wish Robyn all the best for Mother’s Day.... great to see them and still observe the Covid regulations
After lunch I took Robyn’s car to the car wash for a clean ahead of being visited by Christopher and his family for Mother’s Day 
The day was a good one for the family... especially for Robyn on this special day!!! It was strange to do this with the Covid virus imposed distancing....
Now for the photos 
Nick and his family...

Jodes and her family....

Today’s ride


Covid Blog 42


Covid Blog 40