Covid Blog 39

Today was a very pleasant day weather wise with temps on the late teens with a fairly sunny day.
After a 7.30 am rise it was off to see how my bike repairs were going and ... unfortunately the bike was still in the repair section at Cycleinn and I could not do a pick up 
I had a few meetings to attend to in the early afternoon and after checking with the guys at Cycleinn I was informed that the bike might be ready for a pick up..... yeah great to have this to look forward too!
Seems the simplest things are a joy!!!
I made a couple of phone calls to a couple of special people who have been involved in my life over recent years 
  1. Prue Gillies- former Chairwoman at the Lost Dogs Home. We were advised today by the current Chair of the Board that the regulator ACNC had ceased their investigation in to the Home and we’re happy with the issues raised 
  2. Dr Helen Drennen- the former Principal at Wesley College. She is now residing upon Northern Queenlnd on the Atherton Tableland and is now on the Board of James Cook University. She is doing a remarkable job in driving the Studio School concept which seems to be getting some traction with the people in government as a real opportunity for indigenous education 
This was very uplifting to speak to both these remarkable Australians
After this I was able to pick up the bike and return home in time for a Zoom call with Chris and Steve from the LEJOG ride to see how the Covid situation was unfolding in both New Zealand and in the UK... seems the UK situation is still very difficult with no real lockdown in people coming in to the country from overseas which we have here and in New Zealand . Until this issue is solved I suspect that containment of the virus is going to be a real problem 
The evening was cooler and a fire was lit to warm things up
I am looking forward to trying out the repaired bike tomorrow!!!
Now for a photo 
Bike ready with help from the guys at Cycleinn.....


Covid Blog 40


Covid Blog 38