Covid Blog 36

Yes today was a great start to the day with a bit of fog and cooler weather. The day promised to be better after the fog cleared to a lot of sun and some warmth 
After breakfast I took Cooper to kindergarten with a drop off at the gate. Seems with Covid you are not allowed in to the premises and everyone need to be temperature tested at the gate.... I suspect that this will be the new norm for the future.
After dropping Cooper off it was back home to sort out some of the painting tasks to complete the job along the driveway to the garage.... yes it was a bit fiddling but the job was complete by about 2.00pm. 
I had a late lunch courtesy of Anne’s Pantry and decided to go on a short ride. After a few kms the bike was making a terrible noise in the crank area so I made a decision to visit the guys at Cycleinn to see what the issue was. The guys were terrific and after a wait of about an hour and a half the bike was fixed. Seems that the issue was a slightly off centre install of the bearing in the pedal crank.
Great to have it fixed and the guys were most magnificent in getting the job done!
The ride home was partly in the dark and I arrived home at about 6.00 pm when it was dark.... gosh I hate the short days of Autumn and winter.
Arriving home Robyn was feeding the children with help from Neat and I helped with getting the fire alight to provide some warmth as the weather cooled.
In some ways the day was productive and I managed a ride...
Now for a few photos...

Garage door now done.... looks great!

My bike in the repair shop at Cycleinn...

Today’s ride


Covid Blog 37


Covid Blog 35