Covid Blog 29
I am sitting here on the couch at 3.20 am on 29 April doing the blog for the 28th April.... very sad really as I forgot to do it in the “normal “ evening timeframe... I could not sleep after waking with a fright that I had forgotten to do the blog!!!
Any the day was a good one although it was not a riding day...
I had a bit of a sleep in this morning which was good and after breakfast it was off for coffee to get the day underway
The plan was to continue the painting project at Kenmare Street with help from Chris
All good with preparation work complete I was able to complete most of the side of the house. Surprising how another pair of hands really makes the going a lot faster and more efficient.
It is also a lot safer for me as I really struggle doing the higher painting work as my balance on ladders is terrible... a function of old age I guess.
During the day I checked in with Ray by text following the accident yesterday. Seems he is ok which is great
He also advised that he has taken his bike to Cycleinn for repairs.... my bike goes in for a service later this week as well.
From a Covid 19 viewpoint the day was a good one with very few new cases in Australia and only 1 death from the virus. There is increasing pressure from the more “right wing” press to relax the current restrictions on the community particularly with schools... the State Government is resisting the pressure at this stage as they are anxious about a potential for a “second wave” of cases if the restrictions are relaxed to early. The plan is to increase testing substantially and to have tracing capabilities increased through the new Covid App. I, like many others agree with the government that we should listen to the scientists on this matter and stay the course
This evening I chaired an Alkira Board meeting which was quite successful even though it was conducted via Zoom. Be good when we can connect in the normal way in the future
Today I have no photos but will make up for this tomorrow