Covid Blog 27

Today was supposed to be the normal Sunday ride but the weather was very wet in the morning so the ride was canceled 
I thought I might be able to do a short ride at about 9.30 ambit the rain closed in and I bailed out!
The morning was spent cleaning the gutters and doing a few odd jobs around the house....
After a bite of lunch I decided to do a ride and enjoy the cool but reasonably pleasant afternoon. The ride was on some of the bike paths which were occupied by families out for a bit of fresh air after being locked at home!
After the ride it was back home to plan for the week and reflect upon being 68.... an older but perhaps wiser guy
Over night I received a number of messages regarding my birthday which was great....
Anyway the day after the birthday was another pleasant one!!!!
Now for the details of the rides of the past 2 days...

Today’s ride

Yesterday’s ride


Covid Blog 28


Covid Blog 26