Covid Blog 23

Today at Kenmare street....
I was awake at 6.30 am and had a look at the early morning news to see the latest on the Covid virus and it seems we have had another good day with very few new cases to report 
After breakfast I resolved to do a longer ride today
After seeing my grandson off to kindergarten at about 8.30 am I made my way on to the bike to enjoy a lovely morning of riding in to the city via the Koonung and Capital City trials and then on to Elsternwick for a coffee and muffin.... boy I needed some sustainable after about 40 kms of riding. The pear muffins were great!
On the way home I decided to take a longer ride using the Boulevard through Richmond, Kew and Ivanhoe which was good
I arrived home in time for lunch which was prepared by my daughter in law Jenita. The lunch was pumpkin soup.... yummy!
After lunch it was on to pick up my hearing aids which needed a tune-up ... my hearing is terrible courtesy of too many rock concerts when I was a lot younger 
On the way home after the visit to the hearing specialist, I checked the agenda and board material with the folk at Alkira for the meeting next Tuesday 
Unfortunately I missed sorting out the final coat of paint on the bay window... it can wait until tomorrow!!!
Before dinner tonight I joined an exclusive club of folk doing 25 pushups for charity to help those suffering from mental anxiety and depression...visit my Facebook page to see me doing my 25 pushups...&
Today was a good day weather wise particularly for riding my bike
Hope you enjoy the photos 

A lovely shot of Melbourne from Fairfield on the ride

Today’s ride...


Covid Blog 24


Covid Blog 22