Day 23- Vienna to Gabcikobo - 131 kms

Today we had a very early start to the day.... we were awake at about 5.00 am and after packing and having a croissant and orange juice that we bought at the supermarket on the way home last evening, we on our way at 5.50 am ....
It was looking like beig a warm day and it is best to get a serious amount of the ride done before lunch if possible 
The early part of the ride was through some interesting country as we traveled through Austria but we crossed in to Slovakia just before Bratislava and things changed dramatically.... the roads and bike paths were not as well maintained and in general terms Bratislava that we saw was of concrete block apartments and where there were newer buildings thayhad not been maintained 
We had a quick morning coffee was at Orf ..... Chris wanted his normal English Breakfast tea and as seems to be the case in most cafes, they don’t have English Breakfast tea.... a real pain in the neck for Chris
After morning tea it was on to Bratislava for lunch at the 72 km mark. Finding a cafe in Bratislava was difficult so we settled on a shopping mall not far off our route. Chris had Indian and I had a Subway 6 inch and 7up.... so much for enjoying the Slovakian food delights!!!!
After lunch we had a 45 km run alongside the Danube which was fairly boring as the bike path was flat, we had no shade from trees as the bike path was on a levee bank perched up from the surrounding country. To make the ride more interesting we took turns to lead every km. 
We arrived at our destination, Gabcikova at about 4.45 pm. It was a longish day and we were both glad to have a shower to refresh ourselves. 
We are staying at a nice hotel and the owner seems to want to make our stay a good one 
Tonight we will have dinner in the hotel restaurant
Interesting today we traveled in to our 5 th country being Slovakia.... the other countries being France, Switzerland, Germany and Austria and we are closing in on 2000 kms.
Now for the photos...

Early morning leaving Vienna and the Danube 

We saw this stately home
All the houses seem to have been painted yellow 

A view over wheat fields to a castle in the distance
This still in Austria 

An interesting lookout on the top of the bridge at Bratislava 

This gives you some idea of the ride we had along the river and the lack of shelter from the sun 

Home for the night... nice hotel 

Today’s ride..... morning and afternoon 


Day 24- Gabcikovo to Esztercom - 120 kms


Day 22- Vienna- Rest Day