Wednesday 13 June

After the long flight from Melbourne it was good to land at Heathrow at about 1.00pm and collect my bike box and head to Ian and Lorna’s home in Richmond.... not far from the airport.
Had a mild panic as the bike box had a few tears from the peddles and I thought I might have lost a few things on transit to the it turned out I only lost a wheel nut which was replaced in a visit to Ian’s bike shop
It was great to catch up with Chris again and see his new bike.
Ian and Lorna have got a magnificent place with a very pretty garden. Ian tells me that it Lorna who has the “green fingers”.
After putting the bike together it was off for a short shake down ride through Richmond park. Quite lovely really with plenty of wild deer and wonderful meadows.
Tonight we are having dinner at home with Ian and Lorna and I am looking forward to a good night of sleep ahead of tomorrow’s venture on the train to Dover

Chris’s new bike

Ian and Lorna’s back garden

A deer in Richmond park

More deer in the park 


Day 2- 14 th June - London to Dover


Leaving Day